IOLS Training in May 2015

This is outdoor adult leaders training. I know there are several registered leaders in Troop 4 who need to complete this to be trained. This training is the second part of the Adult leaders training. Any parents who would like to become leaders or frequently go on outing should consider attending this program.

Greetings Scoutmasters,

Council will be running a IOLS training course May 15th through 17th at Camp Kingsley. If you have any leaders interested please contact the Scout office, Mike Coughlin ( or myself. The cost for this training is $20 and sign up by Monday May 11th. Also if there are any volunteers that would be able to assist with the training please let Mike or me know and what area of training you would be interested in helping with. You can find the link to the syllabus here.

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Boy Scout Troops and Varsity Scout Teams, in order to be considered “trained.”


Wednesday March 25 Troop Committee and Leaders meeting will be at 6 PM.   Parent’s night and Court of Honor will be at 7 PM.  Both meetings will be at New Hartford Parry Junior High in the cafeteria. We have two new scouts being inducted into the troop, several Merit Badges and a number of rank advancements.   We will be discussing the Spring Trip May 8-10 and Summer Camp July 26- Aug 1.  Parents are invited to the leaders meeting and should plan to attend the Court of Honor in support of the boys achievements.
We are planning to have a campout next weekend March 28-29 to Camp Kingsley.  This will be a Sat AM – Sun AM overnight.  We have reserved 3 leantos.  There is still a lot of snow in Ava.  We will need to keep an eye on the weather as temperature through the middle of the week are unseasonable cold.  Patrols will be responsible for their own food menus and purchase.  I have a list of food which is stored at the American Legion which is available to the patrols.  The cost should be about $5/ person.  Please bring cash if you are going.
Lastly, there are a number of scouts who owe dues.  Dues are $1/ month ayable to the Troop Scibe, Christian Sierson, please get your dues up to date.

Boy Scout Golf Classic

From Scoutmaster Obernesser

This is an adult event. If any parents are golfers and would like to play in this annual fundraiser please let me know. John Devlin, Jim Gemza and I always play. It would be nice to have a couple more foursomes from the Troop. See the flyer and note below:

Golf Classic Flyer

On Monday, May 18th the Revolutionary Trails Council will hold our 16th annual golf classic. YOU can help make this event a success!

  • If you are a golfer, please consider putting together a foursome and joining us for a fun day out on the links.
  • If you’re not a golfer but would like to help by working one of the competition stations that day, please let me know.

You can help get the word out to people you know, sent the attached flyer to anyone you think would be interested in playing golf or supporting the Boy Scouts. Help us get auction or raffle prizes. These can be big or small, we will bundle smaller like items together. Restaurant certificates, electronics, jewelry, new car, liquor, sporting goods… we can find a way to use any item you can get donated. If everyone on the board helps a little, our event will be much more successful.

Thanks for your support!

Steven K. McEwan
Scout Executive/CEO
Revolutionary Trails Council
Boy Scouts of America

STEM Camporee in April 2015

2015 STEM Camporee Leaders Guide

Attached is the information on the upcoming Council Camporee on April 24-26 at Griffiss Business and Technology Park. This is a hands-on STEM Camporee which you won’t want to miss. Mark your calendars!! Registration will be by the Troop. We have secured 25 spots for now but can add more. We will ned to know if you are going by April 1. The troop will cover the cost of the event. You will need to pay for food in your patrols.

Summer Camp 2015

We will be going to Camp Russell July 26 through August 1 for summer camp. Many of you have earn significant funds toward summer camp. We’ve emailed previously a spreadsheet showing how much each Scout has earned from Popcorn and Candy sales. Mr. Pandolfo is tracking the Camp Card sales and this will be added to the sheet after your money is turned in to him. Mr. Pandolfo has over 150 cards still available. They need to be sold by April 1 so that we can turn the money in to the Scout Office. If you have Camp Cards out please sell them and turn in the money.

Campout Reminder

All: This is a reminder that the Father/ son weekend is this Friday. If you plan on attending please bring $10 per person for food Wednesday. We will be staying in the Dining Hall at Russell. The building is heated and there are mattresses. Also please make sure that your dues are up to date. We will be starting anew attendance-dues book next week.