The Mighty Run Campout

This past weekend the scouts went camping out at the Mighty Run at the Masonic Care Community. The weekend was filled with scouting activities, service during the run and some of the scouts did the Mighty Mite Run. On Saturday two scouts, Matthew Cioni and Liam Evans, ran the Mighty Run. They did great and some pictures from the Camp-out are posted below.



SCOUTWIRE — 9/3/2014

Always be updated on upcoming events by checking the Council Calendar. Here’s what’s up next:
9/5-7: Cedarlands Beaver Weekend
9/8: ADK Roundtable
9/12-14: Council Fall Camporee
9/19-21: Camp Kingsley Beaver Weekend
9/22: Powderhorn Roundtable
9/27: Cub Scout Emergency Preparedness

The RTC would like to welcome our new Powderhorn District Executive, Aaron Decker. Aaron has been a member of Revolutionary Trails Council for 17 years; from Cub Scouts, to achieving Eagle, to being an integral member of Camp staff for nine years. Aaron received both his Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from the State University of New York at Fredonia. In his spare time, Aaron enjoys performing and teaching percussion. To contact Aaron, call him at the office at 315-735-4437 ext. 216, or send him an email:

RTC’s Fall Camporee will be held September 12-14 at The Mighty Run! Second year Webelos (attached to a Troop), Boy Scouts and Venturers are all invited to come out to the Masonic Care Community to work on advancement requirements, climb the tower, learn about camp, earn community service hours and participate in The Mighty Run. Click here to register today! For more information, email Rolland Miner:

Our annual Join Scouting Nights are beginning this week! We’re starting to distribute flyers to schools, but we could use your help. If you know any of parent or boy who might be interested in Scouting, give them a call and invite them to your Unit’s Join Scouting Night! To find out when your Join Scouting Night is, email Diane Drake ( or Aaron Decker ( or give them a call at the Scout Service Center at 315-735-4437.

The Boy Scouts of America recognizes shooting sports as one of their best recruiting activities! With that in mind; over the course of October 24th-26th, I will be conducting an NRA Shotgun Instructor course for registered Scouters. This course is being offered to those with prior firearm experience, ages 21+, but Scouts and Scouters under the age of 21 who are interested in becoming assistant instructors (age 18-20), or apprentice instructors (age 13-17) are encouraged to attend. This course will be held October 24-26 at Camp Russell in Woodgate, NY. Click here for more on the course, costs and how to register. For questions, email Dave Roberts:

Do you shop Amazon? A new e-book for your kindle, new camping equipment, a regular monthly order of coffee, or whatever? Every purchase you make can support Scouting right here in our Council without affecting the price you pay. Click this link to start your shopping now. You’ll be able to log in as usual and feel good knowing that 5% or more supports local Scouting here in Central New York. Note this only works through a web browser and not through the Amazon app on your smartphone. For questions, email Siobhan Woods:

Popcorn season is now in full swing! This year, we are not distributing popcorn at Teal’s, so be on the lookout for a new date and location for popcorn distribution. If you need a little motivation, come on down to the Scout Service Center to check out our display case of this year’s prizes! For more information on popcorn, contact Rolland Miner:

KnoWhat2DO – Think. Prepare. Act. Bring your family and friends to Homeland Security Training Center at the old Oneida County Airport in Oriskany, Saturday, September 27 at 9:30AM. Come out to learn about all the ways you can be prepared for all kinds of emergencies. It’s also your chance to explore emergency vehicles like fire trucks and patrol cars; talk to members of the Army, the State Police, Sherriff’s Deputies, DEA Agents and meet McGruff! Cost is $5/youth and includes a patch. For more information, email Diane Drake:

The Council has eliminated the Development Director position. For development inquiries, please email ( or call the Scout Executive, Steven McEwan, at 315-735-4437 ext. 218.

The Council would like to send its condolences to Mrs. Nina Sponburgh, the wife of long-time Scouter Gar Sponburgh. After a courageous battle with cancer, Nina passed away on September 2nd, with her family by her side. Gar and Nina were married for 57 years, and enjoyed travelling across the United States, camping up north and spending their winters in Arizona together. Click here to read the full obituary, for information on services and for the opportunity to send online condolences.

Scouts are being asked to carry the flag in a September 11th remembrance parade in New York Mills, Thursday, September 11. Scouts will meet at the New York Mills Fire Department at 5:40 PM. Those interested should contact Elaine Montroseat 315-736-3908 by Friday, September 5. For questions, email Aaron Decker:

Cubs: bring your families and join us for the Cub Scout Fall Camporee & Trailblazer Program! Scouts and their guests will be able to enjoy the trolley line, bouldering wall, climbing tower, range activities, hiking, crafts, pumpkin bowling, fishing (bring your own gear and bait, pinewood derby and raingutter regatta. Cost is $15/person, which includes event patch, lunch, dinner and a continental breakfast on Sunday. Click here to register, or contact Cory Jenner ( for additional information.

Scout Meetings Start 9/3/2014

Our first troop meeting is this Wednesday Sept 3 at 7 PM. I would like to meet with SPLs, PLs, and APLs at 6:30 so that we can get a meeting plans for the month of Sept. Our first camping trip is the Mighty Run Sept 12-14. We need to know if you are planning on attending this event so that we can get registered.

NRA Shotgun Instructor Course

The Boy Scouts of America recognizes shooting sports as one of their best recruiting activities! The National Rifle Association is asking you to join in helping make shooting sports BSA’s number one recruiting and retention tool. Opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges and experience shooting sports will grow when the number of NRA Certified Instructors and NRA Range Safety Officers a council has available to provide instruction. With that in mind; over the course of October 24th-26th, I will be conducting an NRA Shotgun Instructor course at Camp Russell in Woodgate, NY for those interested registered Scouters.

This course is not a firearm instruction course, but rather designed to help those who are already familiar with the safe operations of firearms to take themselves to the next level, so they can share their knowledge with others, particularly scouts. There is a written pre-test and practical shooting test that is required of everyone to pass prior to completing this NRA Instructor course.

I am offering this course at a significantly discounted rate for registered scouters 21 years old and older. The $95 fee covers the cost of facilities and program materials; there is an additional NRA certification fee of $30 to be paid separately.

In addition any scouts or scouters under the age of 21 who have interest in becoming assistant instructors (age 18-20) or apprentice instructors (age 13-17) are encouraged to attend. This is designed for those youth who are interested in taking their interest in shooting sports to the next level. Please contact me for additional information regarding assistant and apprentice instructor ratings.

The course will start promptly at 6pm Friday October 24th and wrap up around 6pm Sunday afternoon. Bunkhouse style sleeping arrangements have been made at Camp Russell as we will be running into the night Friday and Saturday afternoon, and starting early Saturday and Sunday mornings. There are additional sleeping options of cabins that can accommodate up to 4 people can be rented for an additional fee.

If you are interested or have additional questions please contact me at The registration deadline is October 3rd, I must have a minimum of 10 participants to hold this course.

David Roberts,
RTC Shooting Sports Chair
NRA Training Counselor

Please Take the Parent Survey

As parents of a Scout I am sure that you understand the value the Scouting program provides to youth. However, we are always looking to improve ways to both reach out to new youths and provide a better Scouting experience to parents like you who are already in the program. Part of creating that better experience is in the way the local Council communicates with the Unit leaders and parents. It is in this area that we see an opportunity for improvement. This brief survey will be incredibly helpful for us to find ways to make your experience with Scouting a better one.

This survey only has 16 easy questions and should take very little of time to complete. It will benefit us, and ultimately you and your Scout as we work to continually increase the quality of the Scouting experience.

Simply click on the link below (or cut and paste it onto a browser) and it will take you to the survey:

Thank you so much for your time.

Yours in Scouting

Kirk Evans
VP Marketing
Revolutionary Trails Council

Popcorn Sales Info & 8/27 Leaders’ Meeting

In the near future you will be receiving popcorn sales info in the mail. You may begin to sell popcorn when you get your sales form. Donna Blenis and Michele Smith are your contacts for this fund raiser. If you have any questions contact either of them. We will also have Gertrude Hawk Candy forms at our first meeting. This is our primary fund raiser for the year. Each Scout is required to earn $100 for the Troop Treasury (that is about $300 in sales). From the Treasury the Troop pays all registration fees for events, the troop charter, insurance, awards, camping equipment etc. Earnings above the $100 will be applied to 2015 Summer Camp.

As a reminder our first leader’s mtg. is Aug 27 at 6 PM at my house. It is a ‘bring a dish’ to pass BBQ. We will be developing our annual calendar. If you plan on attending please let me know so I can have enough meat and rolls. So far I have only heard from 8 people.

Important Dates for Late August and Early September

We will be having our annual planning meeting, (Leaders Meeting), on Aug 27 at my house (Scoutmaster Obernesser). It will be a ‘bring a small dish’ to pass BBQ. I will pick up the meat and rolls, but I need to know how many are coming. All committee members and uniformed leaders are requested to attend, parents are welcome! We will be developing the annual calendar, create our annual budget, reviewing fund raising, discussing advancement and reviewing summer camp. Let me know if you can make it.

Our first Troop Meeting will be Sept 3 at Myles School starting at 7 PM. This earlier than usual start is due to the Fall Council Camporee being Sept 12-14 as part of the Mighty Run at the Masonic Care Community. We need to get a head count for this event and do the menu and food purchase plan. I would like to meet with all of the Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders and Senior Scouts at 6:30 to plan the upcoming meetings.