Upcomming Events and Important Info

  1. Our next committee meeting will be Sept 26 at 6 PM at Myles, (just prior to the Troop Mtg).  All leaders and committee members should attend.  Parents are always welcome and encouraged to join us.
  2. The World Brotherhood Camporee is Sept 28-30 at Wellsley Island State Park.  We will be leaving Friday after school and return early Sunday afternoon.  The cost of food is $10 in cash payable at the beginning of the scout meeting this Wednesday. There will be over 2000 scouts and scouters in attendance from the NE USA and Canada.
  3.  Wednesday Sep 26 will also be a Board of Review  for scouts who are ready for rank advancement.  This will be the last chance to turn in your work toward MBs for the Court of Honor
  4. Wednesday Oct 3 will be our Court of Honor /Parents night.  All parents should be in attendance.
  5. The Council Camporee will be held at Camp Kingsley on Oct 12-14. This will be a great opportunity to work on advancement and participate in unique activities.


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