The spring trip to Scranton is May 9-11 and will include a tour of the Lackawana County Coal mine/museum, Steamtown National Historic site/museum and a AAA Baseball game. We are staying in cabins at a nearby scout camp. The cost of the spring trip is $50 for scouts and registered leaders ($30 for scouts who work at the Pancake Day)and $60 for other adults. This includes travel, overnight stay, food and entry fees to the venues. I would like $30 to get a firm head count by 4-9. If writing a check please make it out to TROOP 4 BSA.
Summer camp is Aug 3-9 at Cedarlands in Long Lake. The cost is $325 if paid in full by June 1. I need a minimum $50 non-refundable deposit by Weds 4-9. This secure a spot for your son at camp at the lowest camp fee. If writing a check please make it out to Revolutionary Trails, BSA.
If you have outstanding Camp Cards, you need to get them sold ASAP and turn the money in to Mr. Pandolfo. He has additional cards if you would like to earn more money toward summer camp.