Show-n-Sell orders are closed. Popcorn delivery will be at the Popcorn Kick-Off on Thursday, 8/15 at Rome Free Academy. Look for Take-Order flyers in your mailbox before 8/15. Scouts can sell popcorn immediately upon receiving the flyer. If you do not receive a flyer please contact the Scout Service Center.
All Units should plan to have a representative at the District Program Kick-Off in August. Adirondack Foothills District will hold their kick-off on Monday, 8/26 at the pavilion at the Frankfort Marina off Railroad Street. Powderhorn District will hold their kick-off at Rome Free Academy on Thursday, 8/15 in conjunction with the Council Popcorn Kick-Off.
The Literacy Coalition of Herkimer and Oneida Counties is interested in partnering with prospective Eagle Scouts on a variety of projects promoting literacy. Scouts looking for a great Eagle Project should contact Lara Sepanski Pimentel, Director, at larasp@unitedwaygu.org.
Troops and Webelo Dens: Save the weekend of 10/18-10/20 for our council-wide Fall Camporee at Trenton Fish & Game Club. Shooting sports will be featured and all participants will be able to earn a variety of badges. More details will be given at the program kick-offs in August.
Mike Donaghue, Scout Executive, is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the Revolutionary Trails staff. Michael Harwood has been selected as our new District Executive. Mike is an Eagle Scout from Brewerton, NY and currently is serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster in his home troop.
Siobhan Woods will replace Ariana as Development Assistant. She starts next Friday and comes to us from the Stanley Theater where she works in both marketing and development. While she will be missed, we congratulate and wish Ariana well as she heads off Syracuse University College of Law.