Scouting For Food – 2021

As mentioned last night at the Pack and Troop meetings, we will not be doing door to door solicitation this year for Scouting for Food.  Instead, we will collect food at Chanatry’s Market on French Road on Friday November 5 from 4-8 PM and Saturday November 6 from 8 -12 AM.  We will need Cubs, Scouts BSA and adults to help with this project. We need at least 4 scouts/adults for each 2 hour shift to hand out slips of paper explaining the food drive to people entering and collect the food when they come out.   All food goes to our area Feed Our Vets.  Scouts can work more than one shift.  For Scouts, BSA time will count toward service hours need for advancement.

If you have preferred hours, please let me know.

Paul O.

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