Popcorn pickup is Thursday Oct 30. We are picking up the entire order, 198 cases, in Rome at 3:15. We will be sorting individual orders at Myles School and should have them ready by 5:30 PM +/-. You must pick up your son’s order by 7PM! Candy will be not be in for a couple of weeks due to production at Gertrude Hawk.
Saturday 11/1 we are putting out 1800+/- Scouting for Food bags starting at 9 AM from the NH American Legion. Several people have indicated that they are not available due to other commitments. We need at least 20 scouts and 10 drivers. Please try to make this Good Turn!
We will be picking up the bags on Nov 8, again starting from the Legion at 9 AM. Following the bag collection we will have some pizza etc. then be leaving for an overnight at Camp Russell. If you are planning to go on the campout you need to bring $7 cash for food. Mr. Cope is in charge of the campout. He is cooking his famous deep fried turkey with all the fixin’s for dinner. Scouts will have an opportunity to complete orientation requirements and a service project for Mammals Study MB.