Upcoming Events

All:  Our Annual Father/Son Campout will be March 6-8 at Camp Kingsley in the Dining Hall.  On Sunday March 8 we will be dedicating the new Fireplace in the Dining Hall and holding the Eagle Court of Honor for Christian Sierson.  The dedication of the Fireplace and the Court of Honor will be proceeded by a brunch starting at 11AM.

There is no Troop meeting on 2-19-20 due to school recess.  I will need a head count for both the Campout and the Court of Honor at our next meeting on 2-26-20.  The cost of the Campout is $12 for food which will include pizza on Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday and a continental breakfast on Sunday.

Meeting Information 1-15-20

All:  Peter Steiner from the scout office will be presentation Youth Protection Training for all adults, ( Parents and Leaders) next Wednesday.  This is an hour and twenty-minute mandatory training which must be taken each year.  This will get us on a proper cycle as this training is required for re-chartering.  Please make every attempt to attend this valuable training.  If you can not make this meeting, take the course on line at the BSA Website and prin your certificate as proof of completion..

Summer Camp Kick off webinar will be held on Jan 23 You can find out all about summer camp program at Henderson Scout Reservation.  We are scheduled to be at Henderson the week of July 26-Aug 1.  The link is:  https://www.go tomeet.me/BSA400/camping2020     If you sold over $375 worth of popcorn you have the earnings over $125 toward summer camp.

The T108 Biathlon is Sat Jan 25th.  I handed out permission slips and information sheet at the meeting.  Scouts must be 12 years old to use fire arms in NY.  Please let me know if you plan o attending.  I need to get the number to T108 so that they have enough food for lunch.

February 1 is the Klondike Derby.  The organizers have asked for some assistance running events, judging etc.  I will be in the kitchen preparing lunch.  We need to have a good number by Jan 22 to preregister.

Mark Smith is organizing the Spring Trip to Washington DC April 3-9, 2020.  We received a generous donation which will reduce the cost significantly.  Your $50 non-refundable deposit is due by Jan22.  We need an exact number to finish the plan for this event.

Veterans Day

Monday, the 11th is Veteran’s Day. We will be meeting at 2:45 at the Veteran’s Memorial, (across from Utica National) to show our support for the Legion and the Veterans. Scout Uniform and proper dress for the weather.

Scouting for Food and Campout

Saturday we will be doing the food collection for scouting for food. We need everyone to participate and we will need parents to drive. Following the pick up we will be going to Camp Kingsley for an overnight campout. We will be having our traditional Harvest Dinner Sat. Turkey w/ fixings. The cost for the campout will be $5 /person to cover the cost of food. We will be staying in tents. Temperatures are forecast to be below freezing.

I need to know who will be helping with the Scouting for Food and who is attending the campout at Wednesday’s meeting.

Popcorn Sheetsvare due this week.

Popcorn sales ends this week. Please bring all popcorn order sheets to Mrs. Eschenbach at this week’s meeting. As a reminder each scout is responsible for earning $125 for the troop treasury. This is approximately $375 of popcorn. If you will be responsible to make up the difference if you did not sell enough popcorn.

Important Info: Meeting Change Sept 18th

Troop Meeting next week Sep 18 will be at St Thomas Church pavilion.  We will be outside dress accordingly. 

If you are going to the Brotherhood Camporee Sep 27-29 in Canada we need to know by next Weds.  Scouts will need a copy of their birth certificate, a signed permission slip and photo ID. (Photo ID are available at NYS DMV w/ up to a 2 week wait.) or a Passport.  Adults an enhanced Drivers license, or US Passport or other credentials listed at US Customs and Border Protection.   We need additional adults to drive and stay overnight.

2019 Council Recognition Dinner


All:  John Devlin has been selected as one of the recipients of the Silver Beaver Award which will be awarded at the upcoming Recognition Dinner September 12 at Henderson Scout Reservation.  The Silver Beaver is the highest award the Council can bestow on a volunteer.  There is a link to register in the recently sent Smoke Signals.  Preregistration is necessary for this event.  Let’s show our support for John!