1-25-23 No Meeting Tonight School is Closed

All The school is closing after classes today due to the weather.  We are moving the CoH to next Wednesday.  I still need a head count to preregister for the Klondike Derby on Feb 4th.  Please let me know ASAP if you are attending.  The cost is $17/ scout.  It will be paid out of the Troop Treasury for everyone preregistering.

Paul O.

January Court of Honor

Parents: We will be holding our winter Court of Honor this Wednesday at 7PM at Myles.  We have a few MBs and rank advancements to hand out.  We will have an inducting ceremony for Joshua Skutnik .  Please plan on attending

I will need the head count for the Klondike Derby on Weds, as I need to register the Troop for this event on Feb 4.  The cost is $17/ Scout.  This fee will come out of the Troop Treasury.

January Updates

We will hold a Court of Honor (awards) on Jan 25.  Parents should plan in attending.

Several Scouts have started their Salesmanship MB, but none have completed their paperwork.  I need to see Req #1a &b and #7.  This should only take 20 minutes to complete.  Please bring your Scout  Book and all completed MB info to next Weds meeting.  We will continue to work on skills for the Klondike Derby which is being held on Sat Feb 4.  I need a head count next week.

Any ???? contact me.

Paul O.

Weekly Meeting Resume

All:  We will be back having Troop meetings this Wednesday.  We will also have a Leaders meeting to discuss upcoming events, review our financials and meeting plans for the next few months.  All leaders should plan on attending.  Parents are also encouraged to participate.

Paul O.

December Updates

There will not be and outing this Saturday due to the lack of participants.Next Wednesday we are hosting another Cub Scout round up to get Pack 4 up and running again.  Please plan on being at Myles a little before 6PM to help with this event.I received an email from Camp Massawepie today.  The weekly fee for this coming summer is $525 FOR THE EARLY BIRD payment schedule.  We need to have a $100 / person deposit by the end of February.  To receive the early bird rate full payment is due by April 15.  The cost increases after this date to $575.   Several Scouts earn more than their $150 in profit from selling popcorn.  The amount over $150 can be applied to the summer camp payment.  I have the spread sheet showing these amounts.  Please see me for more info.  I believe we signed up for week 3 July 16-22, 2023.

Scouting For Food

I forgot to mention that we will be conducting our annual Scouting for Food service project next weekend Friday Nov 4th from 4 to 8 PM and Saturday from 8AM to noon at Chanatry’s on French Road.  Scouts will hand out slips of paper explaining this food drive to people entering the store, then collect food as they come out.

We will need at least 4 scouts and a couple of leaders in 2 to 4 hour shifts.  We will have a sign up Wednesday.  This is not an optional event! Everyone must participate.   The food we collect will go to Feed Our Vets.

2022 Fall Update

All:  We had a leader’s meeting last night and have several items things coming up:

  • We are changing our meeting time to 7:00 – 8:30.  We have several scouts involved in sports.  This move will make it easier to get to meetings. ( Historically this was our normal meeting time.)
  • Our first meeting will be next Wednesday.  We will meet at the pavilion at St Thomas church.  ( We are waiting to receive our school building permit.)  We will be starting Citizenship in Society MB.
  • Sept 11  1-3 PM Service project at the NH American Legion painting their gazebo.  Wear work clothes!
  • The Sept 14 meeting will be at Myles School starting at 6 PM.  This will be our Cub and Scout, BSA sign up night.  We need scouts there a little before 6 to set up games, etc.
  • Sept 21 Board of Review.  Advancement Committee will review scouts achievements for the Court of Honor.  7:00- 8:30 at Myles
  • Sept 23 – 25  Adventure Camp at Camp Kingsley.  This is an opportunity to work on several Eagle Scout required MBs.  The cost is $90 / scout and $33 / adult.  Sign up is thru the Leatherstocking Council. The deadline to sign up is Sept 16th.  This is an individual sign up.  I am not sure if any troop adults are attending.  Sleeping will be in lean-tos, cabins or in your own tent.  Food will be provided in the dining hall.
  • Sept 28 Court of Honor, (awards night).
  • Oct 1 The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary is holding a dinner to support medical aid in the Ukraine.  They asked for scouts to assist with clearing tables.  This will count toward service hours. 
  • Oct 14-16  World Brotherhood Jamboree at Wellesley Island.  This will be our October camping trip.  I will need a head count ASAP register for this event.
  • Nov 4 &5 Scouting for Food to support our local Feed Our Vets.  Fri 4-8 PM and Sat 8- 12 AM at Chanatry’s on French Road.
  • Nov 11 Veteran’s Day Memorial at NH across from Utica National 3 PM.
  • Nov 11-13 Gaming Weekend at Camp Kingsley.  This is a fun weekend where various indoor and outdoor games are played.  We will be tenting.  Food will be provided at the Dining Hall.  The cost is $33 of which the Troop will pay $18/ scout.
  • Jan 14-16 Blizzard Camp at Camp Kingsley  A summer camp type program with a winter twist.  A lot of outdoor activities/MBs, sleeping in heated cabins and eating in the Dining Hall.  Sign up begins OCT through the Scout Office.  ( This fills up quickly so don’t hesitate or you will miss out.
  • July 16-22  Summer Camp at Massawepee.  Cost $495 if paid in full by March 15th.  A $100 deposit will be needed by Jan 15 so that we can get an estimate of numbers attending.


  • You should have received at Camp Masters Popcorn ‘Take Order’ sheet in the mail.  If not, I will have extra ones at the Troop meeting.
  • Nancy Simon is coordinating ‘Show-n-Sell’ popcorn sales at various locations.  She will have a signup sheet available on Sept 7th.  Sales at each location will be credited to scouts based on the sales and the time each scout works.
  • As a reminder, each scout is responsible for earning $150 for the Troop treasury.  Scouts earn approximately 33% of their sales from the ‘Show-n-Sell’ and ‘Take Order’ sales.  Scouts earn 30% for their on-line sales.
  • Any $$ raised above the $150 amount will be kept in the unit account and can be applied to Blizzard Camp and/or Summer Camp.
  • I hope to have the on line sales set up for each scout this week.
  • We have applied to get a card reader and software so that we can accept credit/debit cards at the ‘Show-n-Sell’ locations.
  • Please have Scouts collect the money from people when the order.  This money will be collected when the order forms are collected in late October.  Check made out to Troop 4 BSA will be accepted.

There is a lot of info here.  I you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  Our website is up to date BSATroop4.org

Paul O.

Events This Week

We will hold a Court of Honor, (awards) and parent’s night this Wednesday starting at our regular TIME 6:30.  Almost everyone will be receiving a merit badge or rank advancement.  We will be discussing the Spring Trip May 21 to Buffalo and Summer Camp July 17-23.  We also need to discuss the family picnic and/or other activity for June.

We plan on doing an overnight campout to Henderson Scout Reservation, near Cooperstown this Sat-Sun, April 30-May 1.  We will be tenting and have a 5- mile hike scheduled.  Both the camping and hike are requirements for several scout Tenderfoot and Second Class advancements.  The cost is $10/person CASH MONEY  for food which will include lunch, dinner, and breakfast.  We will leave Sat at about 8 AM and arrive at Henderson about 9:15.  We will set up tents make a bag lunch and depart on our hike. Dinner will be spaghetti w/ meatballs and salad. 

Any questions contact me

Paul O.