We held are Leader’s meeting last Wednesday to get our Scouting Year started. Here are things you need to Know:
- Troop meetings will start on September 13 at 7PM at Myles School.
- The Troop 4 calendar of events is posted on our website: bsatroop4.org
- Our 1st outing is tentatively scheduled for Sept 23-24. It will be a backpacking overnight.
- The Council wide Popcorn Fund raiser is underway. Nancy Simon is coordinating the Troop 4 sales.
- She will be setting up sales locations for the Show and Sell. We have $4200+/- of popcorn on hand.
- Show and sell will require 2 Scouts and at least 1 Adult per location. (Youth Protection Policy).
- Take order forms are also available.
- Each Scout is required to earn $150 for the Troop Treasury. To meet this goal, approximately $450 in sales in needed.
- We will soon have Scouts registered so that they can also do online sales for friends and family who are not in the area.
- Take order sales will go thru Oct.
- We are using a new Popcorn supplier this year, so some of the products are different.
- Any profits above the $150 will be held in the Troop Treasury and will be applied toward the cost of summer camp 2024.
- Scouts who do not meet the $150 requirement will be expected to pay the difference.
- Scouts who do not sell will be assessed $200, $150 for the Troop and $50 for the Council.
- More information will be available at the Troop meeting.
- Starting September 1, all adults on an overnight trip must be fully registered with the BSA. This includes registering, completing the Youth Protection Training and a background check.
The cost to register is $60 which covers the cost of the background check. This is new this year to the Youth Protection Policy.