Information for starting the year

We held are Leader’s meeting last Wednesday to get our Scouting Year started.  Here are things you need to Know:

  • Troop meetings will start on September 13 at 7PM at Myles School. 
  • The Troop 4 calendar of events is posted on our website:
  • Our 1st outing is tentatively scheduled for Sept 23-24.  It will be a backpacking overnight.
  • The Council wide Popcorn Fund raiser is underway.  Nancy Simon is coordinating the Troop 4 sales.
    • She will be setting up sales locations for the Show and Sell.  We have $4200+/- of popcorn on hand.
    • Show and sell will require 2 Scouts and at least 1 Adult per location. (Youth Protection Policy).
    • Take order forms are also available.
    • Each Scout is required to earn $150 for the Troop Treasury. To meet this goal, approximately $450 in sales in needed.
    • We will soon have Scouts registered so that they can also do online sales for friends and family who are not in the area.
    • Take order sales will go thru Oct.
    • We are using a new Popcorn supplier this year, so some of the products are different.
    • Any profits above the $150 will be held in the Troop Treasury and will be applied toward the cost of summer camp 2024.
    • Scouts who do not meet the $150 requirement will be expected to pay the difference.
    • Scouts who do not sell will be assessed $200, $150 for the Troop and $50 for the Council.
    • More information will be available at the Troop meeting.
  • Starting September 1, all adults on an overnight trip must be fully registered with the BSA. This includes registering, completing the Youth Protection Training and a background check.

The cost to register is $60 which covers the cost of the background check.  This is new this year to the Youth Protection Policy.

2023-24 Parent & Leader Kick-Off Meeting

Our leader’s meeting to plan the 2023-24 calendar will be next Weds Aug 30  at 6 PM at St Thomas Church Pavilion.  I will pick up some hot dogs /hamburgers, salads etc..  All leaders and parents are encouraged to attend.  Scouts who wish to assist with the planning are also welcome.    Please reply to this email with a head count by Monday PM.


Paul O.  

2023 Summer Camp Directions

All: We need to be at Massawepie at 1 PM.  Its is at least a 2 ½ hour drive from Utica. My suggestion is to take Route 12 north to Lowville, then Route 812 north to Route 3 east.  Follow Route 3 east through Harrisville, ( watch the speed limit in Harrisville), then through Star Lake, Cranberry Lake, past NYS Route 56 and Childwold.  Massawepie is on the right, (look for the large sign) and follow the dirt road to the main parking lot.  You have each other’s email contact info if you want to coordinate carpooling.  Pick up is 9 AM on the 22nd.

Kim and I plan on being there for the week.  I have paid for 1 additional leader and would be happy to pay for others.  I believe Peter O., Jim G., Jim Freemire have indicated that they would like to attend part of the week. Please let me know what days you will be there, ASAP.  Any other leaders?

These items need to be with you or me upon arrival at camp:

  1. Copies of your current BSA Medical Parts A,B and C sign by a Dr. with in 1 year of arrival.  If you have a signed medical form other than the BSA Part C make sure it contains all of the info which is on Part C of the BSA Medical.
  2. Youth Medication Permission Form (This is for OTC medicines and FA creams etc. which can be administered by the Health Officer.)
  3. Any OTC or Prescription medication must be in their original container. Place any of these in a zip lock bag with name, phone #, dosage and time taken.

The above forms can be found at the camp website as follows: Goggle Camp Massawepie (Camp Pioneer), on the tool bar select Outdoors, on the drop- down menu click on 2023 Camp Pioneer Camp Registration.  Pan down about halfway to Attachments.  I would also suggest that you read the Leader’s Guide and Program Guide in these attachments.

Personal gear to remember: Sleeping bag, toiletries, swimsuit/towel, non-aerosol bug repellent, Scoutbook, scout uniform, changes of clothes, raincoat/poncho.   Don’t bring a cell phone or electronic games.  Check your Scoutbook for a complete list.

Any ??? contact me.

Paul O.

June 7th Meeting

Next week we plan to have Keith Routley talk on his job as curator at Ft. Stanwix.  This is one of two requirements everyone needs to complete the American Heritage MB from the Camporee to Stone Fort in Schorarie.  The other requirement is to look up your family history and show where any ancestors participated in an history event in American History (or not).

Scouts need to bring their Scout Handbook so that we can record their progress toward rank advancements.  They should also bring any MB work to complete salesmanship, ( look up job opportunities and education requirements).  Also bring their fitness calendar or monthly record.

We will also need a head count for the end of the year picnic on June 14.  It will be at St. Thomas Church starting at 6 PM.  The troop will supply the meats, rolls, condiments, tableware etc.  We are asking that each family bring a dish to put on the buffet table, (salads, fruit, tomato pie, dessert etc.).  Michelle Connelly will be coordinating the dishes and getting the head count.  Your entire immediate family is welcome to attend.  We will hold the Court of Honor, (awards ceremony)following dinner.

Lastly, if anyone is interested in attending the Field and Stream weekend at Camp Kingsley on June 9-11, you must register on- line at the Council website   The cost is $50/ Scout and $36 /adult.  This includes a snack on Friday, BLD on Saturday and B on Sunday and all the program materials.  Events include fishing, shot gun for 12+, archery, ax throwing, Fish and Wildlife MB, a conservation project, games and more.  Sign up will end soon. Don’t miss out.

Memorial Day Ceremony

All: Our sponsor the NH American Legion is having a Memorial Day Ceremony at the NH Veteran’s Park. (across from Utica National), at 3 PM. We are asking all Scouts, Leaders and parents to attend in uniform. The ceremony will last 20 Minutes or so. Please arrive by 2:50 so that we can get lined up.

Upcoming Events

April 28-30 Order of the Arrow Fellowship  for OA members  sign up on line

April 29 Beaver Day at Camp Kingsley-  This is our annual work day at Camp Kingsley.  We need help in getting camp ready for the 2023 season.  We have over 50 work projects including clean up, painting, moving docks, etc.  Let me know if you can help. Lunch will be provided by the OA if you preregister.

May 6  A Day on the Rails  Railroading merit Badge, a chance to climb on aboard and see how a real train works. More info and sign up online at   Only a few slots remain. Sign up by this Friday.

May 19-21 Council Spring Camporee at Ft Schoharie   We need a head count tonight so that we can preregister.

Meeting Location Change and Upcoming Announcments

This is a reminder that the Whittley nut sale order forms and $$ is due at the Scout meeting of March 29.

The Scout Meeting on March 22 will be at St. Thomas Church rather than Myles School.  We will meet in the basement. Wear warm clothes.

The Parent/ Scout weekend at Camp Kingsley is March 24-26.  We will be holding the Eagle Court of Honor for Jacob and John starting at noon.  The cost of food for the weekend is $12/ person.  We will be making pizzas on Friday night. I need a head count by next Weds. and food money by March 22.

Information for Upcoming Events

March 24-26 is our annual Scout / Parent weekend at Camp Kingsley.  We will be in the Dining Hall for the weekend.  It is heated, full kitchen and toilets.  There are mattresses to sleep on.  We will have pizza Friday night. Sat AM we will do Scout Skills for Tenderfoot – 1st Class.

March 25 will be the Eagle Court of Honor for John Musante and Jacob Eschenbach starting at noon.  We will be having a dinner then the ceremony.  We will also recognize other Scouts for awards which they finish prior to March 22.  There are several Scouts who need to finish their Salesmanship MB and possibly other badges.  We will need a head count for each of these events by March 22.

Summer Camp is July 16- 22.   I will be sending a check to cover the amount each scout has paid /or earned through popcorn sales.  Please see me for the amount that your Scout has earned.

February Break – Klondike Derby

No Troop meeting this week since school is closed.

The Klondike Derby is this Saturday at the Town of Ohio Town Park on Nellis Rd, (off Route 8).  Be there by 8:30. We are providing the lunch.  Bring your Scout Book, paper, pencil, matches, etc.  Wear warm clothes including ski pants, boots, hat, and gloves.