ScoutWire Update — November 6, 2013

The Scout Service Center is closing this coming Monday, 11/11 in observance of Veterans Day. Please help us by thanking all the veterans you know and those you come across over the next several days.

We are deep into training season for all levels of Scouting. Our new Training Chairman, Mike Coughlin, is busy recruiting folks to fill important roles on upcoming courses. If you have an interest in providing the very best program to our youth, please consider being a trainer and contact Mike directly at today. Thanks!

University of Scouting is ready to go on Saturday, December 7 at Utica College. A great group of folks are preparing to offer training in a variety of topics, from Winter Camping Fun to Youth Protection Training and everything in between. Look for a course schedule and registration materials in the mail soon and join us for this great day!

At the Popcorn Pick Up each Unit was given an envelope with a Be A Scout form to fill out and return to the office. We ask that Units fill it out, mail or email back to the office attention: Diane Drake as soon as possible. This is so we can update the Be A Scout site with the correct Unit information.

Troop 14 produced a short video commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address (November 19th) and onoring Oneida County’s role in the Civil War. Click here to check it out!

November Events

There are several events in November.

Nov 8 Scouts attending Myles School should wear their uniforms and help with the flag ceremony.

Scouting for Food-  We will be collecting food Friday Nov 8 at NH Price Chopper from 4 until 9.  We will need scouts and adults to work 2 shifts.  We will have a sign up at the meeting on Weds.  We are also doing the traditional Scouting for Food bag pick up on Nov 9 starting at 9:30 AM at the NH American Legion.  We need drivers and scouts.  Other family members are welcome to help out.

Camp Out- Following Scouting of Food we will be going to Camp Russell for an overnight.  Webelos from P42 will be joining us.  We plan to have our usual turkey dinner.  The cost is $6/person CASH please.

Nov 11 is Veteran’s Day.  We will be meeting at the NH Veteran’s Memorial, (across from Utica National), at 2:45 for a 3PM service.  Be in Scout Uniform!

Nov 20 all $$ from Popcorn and Candy sales are due in to Donna Blenis.  You may pay earlier if you have completed your sales.  We would like you to convert any cash payments to a check so that we do not have to handle large sums of cash.  Checks should be made out to Troop 4 BSA.

Nov 24 Eagle Court of Honor for Sean Blenis at St Thomas Church Parish Center at 1 PM.  Rosella Pandolfo will be contacting each family for a head count and dish to pass.

Lastly Dec 7th is the University of Scouting at Utica College.  Scouts First Class and above should consider GAWASA indoor session.  GAWASA is cold weather camping training.  The outdoor session will be held the 1st weekend in Jan. at Camp Russell.  There will be also be training for adult leaders, committee members and parents. Please see the attached course listing.  The cost of UoS is $10/ person and includes a buffet lunch.

Announcements from Oct-30 Scout Meeting

NOV-1: Popcorn and candy pickup from 500-600pm at Myles school.

NOV-2: If any Scouts can help with distributing the bags for Scouting for Food, please meet at 1000am at St. Thomas Church Community Center.

NOV-1 to NOV-3: Scouts in upcoming performance by New Hartford Masque
Please come out and support the New Hartford Masque’s production of “Aladdin” and local Scouts in the production!
More Information

NOV-6: Scout Meeting Plans
We will be collecting $6 per person going to the campout on 11/9 after Scouting for Food. We will need to know of any food allergies for anyone going on the campout. We will also be starting the Wilderness Survival merit badge.

NOV-8: Myles School Veterans Presentation
Please wear uniforms for any Scouts at Myles school on 11/8.

NOV-8: Help with Scouting for Food Tag Handouts
Price Chopper New Hartford, help with handing out Scouting for Food tags to shoppers and collecting bags. Need Scouts with uniforms and any parents wanting to assist from 400-900pm.

NOV-9: Scouting for Food Day
All Scouts should arrive by 1000am at the Legion. Scouts will disperse and pickup bags. There will be an overnight camping trip to Camp Russell ($6/person for food at camp).

NOV-11: Veterans Day Activities
We would like all Scouts to attend, in their uniforms, the Veterans Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial in front of Utica National at 300pm.

Scouts Mentioned in Local News
Troop 4 New Hartford was mentioned as participating in the recent Camporee at the Trenton Fish and Game Club.

Klondike Derby
Planned for the first weekend in February 2014. Please see Mr. O if you’d like to submit a design for the Patch Contest.

Sean Blenis Court of Honor

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that Sean Blenis’s Court of Honor is scheduled for Sunday, November 24th at 1:00PM at St. Thomas’s Church (the community center behind the church).

As is customary, we, the troop will be supplying the food and drinks. I will need to know how many from your family will be attending and what you would like to bring. Right now we have: sausage and peppers, ziti/meatballs, greens, riggies and 6 bottles of soda and a tomato pie.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will also be at some of the scout meetings.


Rosella Pandolfo

Committee Meeting & Popcorn and Candy Pickup

We will be holding our monthly committee meeting at 6 PM Weds (prior to the troop meeting).  As always parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Troop meeting will include treats for Halloween.  Scouts may bring candy and/or cookies.
Friday is popcorn and Gertrude Hawk candy pick up at the school between 5 and 6:30 PM.

Scouting News — October 25, 2013

We’re looking for a Boy Scout/Eagle Scout who can play the piano for the cocktail hour at the Leadership Dinner on 11/14 (Hotel Utica). Please contact Francesca at ( or call her at 734-5030. Anyone who is interested in attending can purchase tickets here.

Collection bags are in at the Council and ready for pick up. Don’t forget, we distribute bags on Saturday, 11/2 and collect the food taken to a local food pantry of the unit’s choice the following Saturday, 11/9. Don’t forget to log your service project hours after your unit is done! Contact us at 735-4437 to arrange to get yours in time.

Saturday, December 7 at Utica College. Courses for all levels of Scouting will be offered. A catalogue of courses and registration material will be on the council web site shortly. Don’t miss this great training event!

After a very successful return last spring, the NYLT staff will be at it again this coming spring with a two-weekend course in May/June, 2014. Please follow this link for more information and registration forms.

To Benefit Boy Scout Troop 33 ON 11/17, 11:00AM – 3:00AM at the American Legion Post 128, 707 Legion Drive, Chittenango. Tickets are: $9 for Adults, $8 for Seniors, $6 for Kids 5-12 & under 5 are free. Please contact Sean or Connie Tessier at 687-6142 for more information.