- NH Rotary Pancake Day is Saturday Nov 22. Sign up for shifts on Wednesday 11/19. Ticket money/leftover tickets are also due to Scoutmaster O.
- This Wednesday 11/19 is our monthly leaders meeting at 6PM. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- All money from popcorn sales is due in to Donna Blenis or Michele Smith. Gertrude Hawk candy orders will be available for pickup — ALSO Gertrude Hawk Candy Money will be due no later than December 3.
Camp Properties Discussions Update
Camp Properties Discussions
On December 19, 2013, in an effort to determine what kind of property is needed to deliver a quality outdoor program to our membership, the Executive Board of Revolutionary Trails Council asked the Camping Committee to evaluate the Council’s Camping and Outdoor Program, and determine what types of outdoor program are desired by our units. The Camping Committee delivered their report to the Executive Board on May 1, 2014.
The Executive Board then appointed a Properties Evaluation and Recommendation Committee to review the Camping Committee report, along with collecting additional information. Experienced Scouters from all areas of the Council, including the Properties, Program, and Finance Committees, made up the task force that developed the report.
Why We Are Doing This: The Case for Change
It is about growth: Exceptional properties support great programs, which will attract and retain members.
It Is about improving facilities: Legacy camps and facilities need upgrades to meet National standards – we must consider maintenance and capital improvements for camps selected for long term investment.
It is about underutilization: The current system, with three camps, is underutilized, with significant financial losses.
General Recommendations
Customer Service: Change the Culture – all camps are “Our Camps”.
Operational Integration: Leverage opportunities for improved customer service and lower cost in supply chain, technology, food service, equipment sharing, maintenance planning, staffing and training.
Financial Stewardship: Increase efficiencies and utilization with fewer camps. All non-resident camps must operate at cost neutral and meet camp standards, or risk closure. Camps should provide a positive cash flow in order to facilitate future investment in camp programs and facilities.
While no final decision has been made regarding our camp properties, the Properties Evaluation and Recommendation Committee would like to present its progress to the volunteers and supporters of the Council. Three meetings have been scheduled in different areas of the Council to present the report. Please share this e-mail with anyone that you feel would be interested.
The three meetings are scheduled for:
Monday, October 27th – 5:30PM
Herkimer BOCES
352 Gros Blvd, Herkimer, NY
Tuesday, October 28th – 5:30PM
Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES
4747 Middle Settlement Rd, New Hartford, NY 13413
Monday, November 3rd – 6:30PM
Madison-Oneida BOCES
4937 Spring Rd, Verona, NY
All of the supporting materials are available on the Council website under the “Camping” tab, then select “Properties Evaluation Information” HERE
Popcorn Pickup and Scouting for Food
Popcorn pickup is Thursday Oct 30. We are picking up the entire order, 198 cases, in Rome at 3:15. We will be sorting individual orders at Myles School and should have them ready by 5:30 PM +/-. You must pick up your son’s order by 7PM! Candy will be not be in for a couple of weeks due to production at Gertrude Hawk.
Saturday 11/1 we are putting out 1800+/- Scouting for Food bags starting at 9 AM from the NH American Legion. Several people have indicated that they are not available due to other commitments. We need at least 20 scouts and 10 drivers. Please try to make this Good Turn!
We will be picking up the bags on Nov 8, again starting from the Legion at 9 AM. Following the bag collection we will have some pizza etc. then be leaving for an overnight at Camp Russell. If you are planning to go on the campout you need to bring $7 cash for food. Mr. Cope is in charge of the campout. He is cooking his famous deep fried turkey with all the fixin’s for dinner. Scouts will have an opportunity to complete orientation requirements and a service project for Mammals Study MB.
10/25 Camping and Upcoming News…
All: If you are going to Roger’s Environmental Center this Saturday 10/25, we will be leaving from Myles School at 8 AM. We are sleeping in leantos and tents. We will be working on Mammal Study MB. You need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. You need to BE PREPARED for the weather this time of year. It is forecast to be 40 to 50 with possible showers. Please also bring your camp mug, scout book and a pencil/pen.
The troop committee meeting is Weds Oct 29 at Myles 6 PM. We will be discussing upcoming events, finances and need for more parent involvement. Parents are encouraged to attend. The Troop meeting this week will include Halloween costumes and treats. John Devlin will also cover the DEA Red Ribbon Patch Program at the meeting.
The popcorn delivery is set for next Thursday Oct 30. You need to pick your orders up at Myles School between 6 and 7 PM. No exceptions! We could use a couple of adults to help sort the orders from 4:30 to 6 PM.
Zombie Walk — 10/18/2014
Dear Parents,
On Saturday evening, there will be a Zombie Walk in Downtown Utica. The Zombie Walk is a charity event where the whole family can dress up as zombies and “shuffle” up Genesee Street as only zombies can. We would like to get a contingent of scouts there. Actually we would like to get a contingent of Zombie scouts and families to participate. You will need to do your own costumes and make up. Each person attending should bring a food item to donate or pet food item to donate. Other than that, there is no cost involved. There will be lots of entertainment as well. Go to this webpage for more information.
All scout families should plan on meeting in the Council Parking lot at 5pm on Saturday to finalize your costumes and props, then we will walk down to the start at the Stanley together. The parade of undead starts at 7pm. This is not an official council or unit event, but it just seemed like a fun thing to do. Therefore we will need parents to make sure that arrangements have been made for their children. This will not be a drop off and pick up later type of event, instead we need a responsible adult to accompany your scout. For example if your son wants to do the event and you cannot accompany him, please make arrangements with another parent to be responsible for your son. This is very much like a disorganized parade of shuffling and groaning zombies and the Troop cannot supervise everyone.
Remember, this is a family event, heck, bring your zombie dog and cat. It can be fun for everyone.
Email Kirk Evans at kirkevans@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Important News — Popcorn/Candy & Campout Plans
This is a reminder that all popcorn and candy order forms are due in this week at the scout meeting. Donna Blenis and Michele Smith will be there to collect them.
Also we have firmed up the campout plans for Oct 25-26 at Roger’s Conservation Center in Sherburne. We will be leaving Myles on the 25th at 800AM and return Sunday around 1000AM. They are going to set up a seminar on Mammals of NY. I sent them a copy of the Mammals Study MB. Attached are the work sheets which go along with this MB. If you want to do this MB print the sheets and bring them to the campout. We will be planning menus this week.
SCOUTWIRE — 10/10/2014
The Scoutwire newsletter for 10/10/2014 is attached below in PDF format:
OF SPECIAL NOTE– A great picture of Scouts from Troop 4 competing in the Might Run!
Court of Honor — Wed 10/1/2014
This is a reminder that we will be having a Court of Honor this Wed at 7 PM. For those of you who are new, this is our awards night and parents should make every effort to attend. We will have refreshments!
Following the Court of Honor ceremonies, we will be presenting the BSA Youth Protection Program. This explains what the BSA expects from leaders and those attending BSA functions. It is required training biannually for all adults.
SCOUTWIRE — 9/26/2014
Always be updated on upcoming events by checking the Council Calendar. Here’s what’s up next:
10/3-5: OA Fall Induction
10/3-5: Beaver Weekend: Camp Russell
10/4-5: Fall Family Camp and Trailblazers
10/11: University of Scouting
10/17: Popcorn Orders Due
10/17-19: Trekking Technologies & Techniques
Cubs: get ready for the 2014 Fall Family Camp & Trailblazer Program! Bring your entire family to Camp Kingsley the weekend of October 4-5 and have fun together on the trolley line, bouldering wall, climbing tower, range and much more! Don’t forget to bring your fishing gear, pinewood derby cars and raingutter regatta boats! Cost is $15/person. Click here to register. For questions, email Cory Jenner at cny.jenners@gmail.com
Beaver Weekend is October 3-5 at Camp Russell. This is your opportunity to give back by helping with camp improvements and maintenance. Please register by calling the Scout Service Center at 735-4437, or email Council Properties Chair, Paul Obernesser at obe390@twcny.rr.com Lunch will be provided. If you are a member of the Order of the Arrow please register through the OA.
University of Scouting will be held on October 11 at Utica College with classes from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4/5:00pm. Sign in will be in MacFarlane hall starting at 8:00am. Preregistration is encouraged. The cost is $10/person which includes paperwork, a UoS 2014 patch and lunch. Coffee and donuts will be available from the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity or the UC History Club. Click here for the course descriptions and schedule of courses. Click here to download the registration form. For questions, email Paul Obernesser at obe390@twcny.rr.com
RTC is in need of Campmasters at Camp Russell and Cedarlands Scout Reservation to help units staying at camp on the weekends throughout the year and to encourage more year-round use of our camps. Campmasters check units in and out of camp, make sure units follow camp rules and procedures, and help units by answering any questions they might have. After the Beaver Weekend, on Sunday, October 5 at 12:00pm, Al Schrader will conduct a training session for Campmasters wishing to serve at Camp Russell. Anyone interested in being a Campmaster at Russell is encouraged to attend. For more info, email Mike Petipas at mrp341@gmail.com
The members of Ga-Hon-Ga Lodge invite all Arrowmen and Ordeal Candidates to the 2014 Fall Induction Weekend to be held October 3-5, 2014 at Camp Russell. All members eligible for Brotherhood are asked to attend and seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow. A full weekend of service, fellowship and fun is planned. Sign in for ordeal candidates starts at 7:00 p.m. on October 3rd. The event ends 10:30 a.m. Sunday, October 5th. Click here to visit the Lodge website for more information.
Bring your Troop or Crew to Camp Russell the weekend of October 17th for RTC’s Trek Tech2! Practice trekking technologies and techniques you need to be at home in the wilderness. Click here for more information and registration. For any questions, email Matt Jacobs at matt.jacobs@twcny.rr.com
Scouting for Food is November 1 & 8. Units were asked to fill out a questionnaire which was included in their Kickoff packet. The information is needed to help coordinate this Council Service Project so that we maximize the area covered without double coverage or missing areas. The activities committee is securing bags and door hangers for this event. Click here to download the questionnaire, fill it out and return it to the Scout Service Center.
The NRA Shotgun instructor course, scheduled for the weekend of October 24-26, has been cancelled. Be on the lookout for future opportunities.
Trekking Technologies & Techniques (Trek Tech2)
Trekking Technologies & Techniques (Trek Tech2)
Oct. 17-19, 2014 at Camp Russell
Scouts and Venturers will learn and practice the techniques and technologies they need to be at home in the wilderness.
This program is action-filled. It is a hands-on way to learn how to:
· Select and fit a backpack
· Navigate using a map and compass and a GPS
· Prepare, package, and cook inexpensive trail meals
· Leave no trace
· Stay clean and healthy on the trail
· Keep bears and other critters from getting your food
· Purify water using six different techniques
· Light and maintain different types of trail stoves
· Quickly set up a trail camp
· Keep a group happy on the trail when everybody is grumpy, wet, tired, and cold
This program is for all Venturers and for Boy Scouts that are First Class and above.
The event will start at 7:00 PM on Friday night and end at 9:00 PM on Sunday morning. Participants will sleep indoors on Friday night and in tents (provided) on Saturday night.
The cost is $20 per person. A checklist of what to bring will be sent to each person that registers. No special gear or equipment is needed.
Contact matt.jacobs@twcny.rr.com if you have any questions.