We will be having our annual planning meeting on Sat. Aug 29 following the canal regatta picnic. As always parents are welcome to attend and participate. Leaders please make every effort to attend. The meeting will be at the Marcy Lock #20 pavilion probably about 2PM.
Date Change — Erie Canal Canoe Trip
Please read the message below from Kris Sierson and respond to Kris if you can make this event. You can use your own canoe/kayak. If you need a boat we can arrange to use council watercraft but we will need a few days lead time. Please respond ASAP.
FROM: Kristian P Sierson
Due to a conflict with another Scouting Event we would like to move the canoe trip to August 29. The thought is this change would allow for more participants from our Troop. The trip details would be as follows:
Leave Rome around 8:30 and canoe the barge canal to lock 20 in Marcy around 1:30. Upon arrival in Marcy we would end the day with a BBQ.
I can be reached at 941-5897 or my email is ksierson@hotmail.com
Help with Sporting Clays Tourney on July 18
The Annual Sporting Clays Tournament is July 18. The Council is looking for scouts and scouters to help with this fundraiser. Scouts can camp out Friday night at the Clinton Fish and Game Club. They will be given instruction on gun safety and shooting at clays. On Saturday scouts/scouters will assist with the actual event with setup of stations and operation of the throwers. After lunch scouts will have the opportunity to shoot at targets. There is no cost to the volunteers. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
If you are planning on helping let Scoutmaster Obernesser know ASAP so that he may forward the attendance list, and could use adult attendance for Saturday.
Fill The Trailer to Stop Veteran Hunger
The Mohawk Valley Association of Realtors is sponsoring “Fill the Trailer” in the fight to Stop Veteran Hunger at Chanatry’s Market on French Rd, Utica. The event will be Saturday July 18th and Sunday 19th from 9am to 3pm.
Non-perishable foods will be accepted by Feed Our Vets with the goal of filling their 20 foot trailer. In 2014, Feed Our Vets fed 1,900 registered veterans, with spouses and children this number was just over 4,500 with 98,988 pounds of free food distributed. This year, they are expecting to feed 2,200 veterans and will give out approximately 135,000 pounds of food.
We need your help in fighting this war. They gave for you, now it’s time you give to them. Thank you for your support in feeding our hungry and homeless military veterans and their families, right here in central New York.
Please contact Mike Stoquert at 315-724-5159 for more information.
Scoutwire — 6/25/2015
12th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament
As announced on 6/17, the Council fund raiser Sporting Clays Tournament is scheduled for Saturday July 18 at the Clinton Fish and Game Club. If adults are interested in participating please contact the Scout Office or John Devlin who is chairing this event. Scouts who would like to help out during the day on Saturday will be given instruction Friday evening and be able to shoot after the event on Saturday afternoon. I need a list of scouts who plan on camping out Friday night so that I can secure the tents. The plan is to meet at the Fish and Game Club about 6 PM on Friday July 17. We will not be providing food on Friday evening. Scouts will be fed Saturday AM and lunch. Please let Scoutmaster Obernesser know if you will be attending by July 15.
Medical Forms for Summer Camp
Attached are the forms which your son will need to attend summer camp. As described earlier, these forms must be completely filled out including medicines and immunizations. Your doctor visit must be within a year of arriving at camp.
Pictures and Video from Waterball Tournament on 6/11/2015
From Kirk Evans–
Parents and Scouts:
Great time at the Waterball Tournament tonight! Troop 4 did a great job. Pictures below and a quick video:
Waterball Video