Leaders Meeting & Fundraiser Update

We will have a troop leaders meeting at 6 PM Wednesday Prior to our regular Troop meeting this Wednesday.  We need to firm up Father/Son weekend and the Spring Trip as well as any other business.  As always, parents are welcome to attend and give input.

Gertrude Hawk candy will be delivered at this Wednesday.  Money from candy will be due Dec 2.

Money from Popcorn sales is due Weds. even if you haven delivered all of your popcorn orders, please bring in the money you have collected.  We need to pay the bill by Nov 30 and will not be having another meeting untilDec 2.

If you did not sell popcorn/candy you owe the troop $125 on Wednesday.

important Upcoming Dates

Nov 6 tomorrow, Popcorn order pick up at Myles school 4 to 6 PM, no exceptions.

Nov 7 Scouting for Food distribute the door hangers 9 AM at the NH American Legion.  We need all hands on deck.
Nov 7 Those working on Wilderness Survival will be going to Camp Russell following Scouting for Food.

Nov 11 Veteran’s Day We will be meeting at 2:45 PM (14:45) at the NH Veteran’s Memorial across from Utica National to show support for our veterans.  Be in uniform including neckerchief.  We will have a brief meeting after the ceremonies regarding the campout to Russell on Nov 14-15.  If you plan on attending the campout bring $5 per person for food.  We will be having our traditional fall Thanksgiving meal Saturday evening.  Parents are welcome to attend.  We need a good head count.  There will not be a regular scout meeting on Wednesday

 Nov14 Scouting for food met at the NH American Legion at 9:30. We will need drivers and well as all scouts.
Nov 14 Campout to Camp Russell after Scouting for Food.  We are planning to sleep outdoors.  If the weather looks severe we will move inside.

Upcoming Reminders — Court of Honor, Popcorn/Candy, Pancake Breakfast and more

Next week (10/14) is our fall Court of Honor and parent’s night. We have a lot of awards which your sons earned at summer camp and so far this fall. Please plan on attending.

Popcorn and candy order forms are due in next week. No exceptions!

The Council Camporee at Fort Stanwix is Oct 16-18. If you have missed a recent troop meeting and would like to attend, notify your patrol leader ASAP and bring $10 cash for food next Wednesday.

The NH Rotary Pancake Day is Oct 24. Scouts were given tickets to sell for this event. Every scout is expected to help out with this service project on the 24th. Ticket $$ is due on the 21st.

University of Scouting is Oct 31 at Utica College. This is an opportunity to learn more about the scouting program and specific leadership positions. We will be teaching ILST Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops. This is the youth leadership skills prerequisite for NYLT, National Youth Leadership Training which will be held in May 2016. Sign up on line at Scouting CNY.org