Updates– June 1 2016

Attached is the non-prescription medication form and BSA Medical form for summer camp. Every scout attending summer camp must have a physical with in the past 12 months prior to arrival at camp. The forms attached must be signed by your doctor’s office.

The family picnic and court of honor is June 15 at St. Thomas Church. It is a covered dish event. The troop will furnish the paper products, meat and rolls. Michele Connelly has volunteered to co-ordinate the covered dish part. She will have a sign-up sheet at next week’s meeting. We need to know what you are bringing and how many are attending.

Reminders and Summer Camp Merit Badge Schedule

REMINDERS– We will be meeting at 6 PM this Wednesday 5/25/2016 at the Green Lawn Cemetery (next to Jay-K Lumber) to place American flags on veterans’ graves. The Leaders will be holding their monthly leader’s meeting at the same time. We will also be collecting household/baby items to Bob Tenbrink’s stepson.

If you are going to summer camp please print the attached merit badge schedule and circle the MBs you plan on taking for the troop meeting this week.


ADK Scout Night with Diamond Dawgs

From: RJ Wiechecki [mailto:Robert.Wiechecki@scouting.org]

Good afternoon Fellow Scout Leaders,

Holly Pelzer, Lion Den Leader from Pack 16 Little Falls was kind enough to set up a Scout Night with the Little Falls Diamond Dawgs. This is available to all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts in the local area.

When: Thursday June 16th, 2016
Where: 247 Burwell St, Little Falls, NY 13365

Any Scout who come in uniform, they and their family will get in for Free!