This is a reminder that we are having our Family Picnic and Court of Honor this Wednesday at 6PM at ST. Thomas Church Pavilion 150 Clinton Rd. If you failed to sign up w/ Amy Smith, please let me know how many family members are coming. The troop is supplying the meat, rolls and condiments. Families are asked to bring a dish to pass.
Leaders Meeting This Week
This is a reminder that we have a leader’s meeting at 6 PM this Wednesday. Parents are invited to attend. We will be discussing the Family picnic, summer camp and other troop business.
Memorial Day Ceremony
All: We will be joining the NH American Legion for a Memorial Day Ceremony at the NH Veteran’s Park across from Utica National at 2:50 PM on Monday. The ceremony start at 3:00 sharp and usually lasts less than 30 min. Please be in full class A uniform
Reminder Week of 5/20/19
Reminder that we are meeting at 6 PM Wednesday to place American Flags on veterans’ graves. This should take about 45 minutes. We will then we will go to Myles for our weekly meeting. We will have an Order of the Arrow election at the Troop meeting.
Event Reminders 5-10-19
All: This is a reminder that tomorrow is NH Rotary Pancake Day. If you have been to meetings in the past two weeks you should know your work schedule. If you have missed the meetings, we need more scouts from 8:30 to 11:00.
We will be meeting at 6PM at the NH American legion to do a yard clean up prior to next week’s troop meeting.
The Council Camp-o-ree is May 17-19 at Utica-Rome Speedway. If you are going you need to bring $12 for food to the troop meeting.
May 22 we will be placing flags at Greenlawn Cemetery.
Upcoming Reminders
Summer camp payments are due May1 to get the early bird discount of $50.
We need an accurate head count for the Spring Camporee on May 17-19 at the Utica Rome speedway this week.
Pancake day is May 11 you need to sign up for hours (and get your ticket, if you haven’t received them yet)
May 15 we will meet at the Legion to do a yard clean up at 6 PM then go to Myles for our troop meeting
May 22 we will be placing flags at Greenlawn Cemetery at 6 PM then going to Myles for our troop meeting.
No Troop Meeting – Spring Trip Notice
Do to the school break there is no scout meeting this week. If you are going on the spring trip to west Point on April 26, you must bring your gear packed in your back pack to the meeting on April 24, no exception!
Summer Camp July 21-27 @ Henderson Scout Reservation
Final summer Camp payment to get the ‘early bird’ discount is due May 1.
The cost for the week is $425. Any one else who is planning to go needs to get their $ to me by May 1. Everyone will need a current BSA Health Form signed by a doctor.
2019 Rotary Pancake Breakfast
Father/ son Campout March 1-3 at Camp Kingsley
Our annual Father Son campout is next weekend March 1-3 at Camp Kingsley. We will do a round robin of activities in the AM. After lunch we will have a short leader’s meeting followed by our annual parking lot hockey game. Please bring $15 each to the Troop meeting next Wednesday to cover the cost of food. Scouts may attend with out a parent. All parents attending must have taken the current Youth Protection Training. You can find it on line at the National BSA website. This training takes approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes. Please make a copy of the certificate for my records.
Paul O.