There are several events in November.
Nov 8 Scouts attending Myles School should wear their uniforms and help with the flag ceremony.
Scouting for Food- We will be collecting food Friday Nov 8 at NH Price Chopper from 4 until 9. We will need scouts and adults to work 2 shifts. We will have a sign up at the meeting on Weds. We are also doing the traditional Scouting for Food bag pick up on Nov 9 starting at 9:30 AM at the NH American Legion. We need drivers and scouts. Other family members are welcome to help out.
Camp Out- Following Scouting of Food we will be going to Camp Russell for an overnight. Webelos from P42 will be joining us. We plan to have our usual turkey dinner. The cost is $6/person CASH please.
Nov 11 is Veteran’s Day. We will be meeting at the NH Veteran’s Memorial, (across from Utica National), at 2:45 for a 3PM service. Be in Scout Uniform!
Nov 20 all $$ from Popcorn and Candy sales are due in to Donna Blenis. You may pay earlier if you have completed your sales. We would like you to convert any cash payments to a check so that we do not have to handle large sums of cash. Checks should be made out to Troop 4 BSA.
Nov 24 Eagle Court of Honor for Sean Blenis at St Thomas Church Parish Center at 1 PM. Rosella Pandolfo will be contacting each family for a head count and dish to pass.
Lastly Dec 7th is the University of Scouting at Utica College. Scouts First Class and above should consider GAWASA indoor session. GAWASA is cold weather camping training. The outdoor session will be held the 1st weekend in Jan. at Camp Russell. There will be also be training for adult leaders, committee members and parents. Please see the attached course listing. The cost of UoS is $10/ person and includes a buffet lunch.