Notices for this Wednesday

All:  I will not be available for this Wednesday’s meeting as I have tickets for Rent at the Stanley.  There are a number of things going on over the next several weeks.

Next Saturday April 29th– 30th – Beaver Day at Camp Kingsley and Saturday night over night.  We have a lot of projects at camp and need everyone help.  We are making this our April campout as well.  We will be sleeping in Seneca Site Leantos.  Plan on arriving at Kingsley by 8:30 AM.  Wear old clothes and be prepared for the seasonal weather.  We will depart on Sunday by 9 AM.  There is no cost for this outing.   Chris O.  will be collecting names.

Money for summer camp is due this week.  I believe I spoke to everyone at our last meeting regarding how much you owe. Check must be made out to Leatherstocking Council.  If you have sold camp cards your profit toward summer camp is $5/each.  Deduct this amount from the amount you owe.  Camp Card sales has been extended, however you should bring the sales to date in Weds and give it to Robin Fostini.

Money for the Spring Trip to Gettysburg on May 5-7 is also due.  Scouts are $50, adults are $100.  Kirk Evans is taking care of this.

Lastly, the Council Camporee is May 19-21 at Camp Kingsley.  The theme is conservation.  We need headcount for this event on Wednesday so that I can register the troop and get a site.  Ni money is needed until May 17.  Please respond to this email with a yes I am going or no I cannot make it.

Paul O.

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