Wednesday March 25 Troop Committee and Leaders meeting will be at 6 PM. Parent’s night and Court of Honor will be at 7 PM. Both meetings will be at New Hartford Parry Junior High in the cafeteria. We have two new scouts being inducted into the troop, several Merit Badges and a number of rank advancements. We will be discussing the Spring Trip May 8-10 and Summer Camp July 26- Aug 1. Parents are invited to the leaders meeting and should plan to attend the Court of Honor in support of the boys achievements.
We are planning to have a campout next weekend March 28-29 to Camp Kingsley. This will be a Sat AM – Sun AM overnight. We have reserved 3 leantos. There is still a lot of snow in Ava. We will need to keep an eye on the weather as temperature through the middle of the week are unseasonable cold. Patrols will be responsible for their own food menus and purchase. I have a list of food which is stored at the American Legion which is available to the patrols. The cost should be about $5/ person. Please bring cash if you are going.
Lastly, there are a number of scouts who owe dues. Dues are $1/ month ayable to the Troop Scibe, Christian Sierson, please get your dues up to date.