Nov 6 tomorrow, Popcorn order pick up at Myles school 4 to 6 PM, no exceptions.
Nov 7 Scouting for Food distribute the door hangers 9 AM at the NH American Legion. We need all hands on deck.
Nov 7 Those working on Wilderness Survival will be going to Camp Russell following Scouting for Food.
Nov 11 Veteran’s Day We will be meeting at 2:45 PM (14:45) at the NH Veteran’s Memorial across from Utica National to show support for our veterans. Be in uniform including neckerchief. We will have a brief meeting after the ceremonies regarding the campout to Russell on Nov 14-15. If you plan on attending the campout bring $5 per person for food. We will be having our traditional fall Thanksgiving meal Saturday evening. Parents are welcome to attend. We need a good head count. There will not be a regular scout meeting on Wednesday
Nov14 Scouting for food met at the NH American Legion at 9:30. We will need drivers and well as all scouts.
Nov 14 Campout to Camp Russell after Scouting for Food. We are planning to sleep outdoors. If the weather looks severe we will move inside.