1 There is no scout meeting on Oct 31
2 If you sold popcorn and/or candy your order forms were due this past Wednesday. If you did not turn in your forms, contact Stacy Gadway to make arrangements to do so ASAP.
3 Scouting for food bag distribution is Nov 3 at 9AM at the NH American Legion. Cub Pack 4 will help, we need at least 12 scouts and 6 adults.
4 Camping trip to Camp Kingsley will follow the bag distribution. Scouts going should contact Kris Sierson. Each scout is to bring their own food to cook individually.
5 Scouting for food bag pick up is Nov 10 at 9:30 at NH American Legion. We need all hands on deck for this as well as 12 adults to drive.
6 Lastly, FJ Wadnola has set up a Drug, Alcohol and Smoking program for our Troop Meeting on Nov 14. Paul Vitigliano from the Insight House will be there to speak on the dangers of substance abuse. This is a requirement for 2nd class. Parents are encouraged to attend with their scout.
Paul O