We will be having our annual planning meeting, (Leaders Meeting), on Aug 27 at my house (Scoutmaster Obernesser). It will be a ‘bring a small dish’ to pass BBQ. I will pick up the meat and rolls, but I need to know how many are coming. All committee members and uniformed leaders are requested to attend, parents are welcome! We will be developing the annual calendar, create our annual budget, reviewing fund raising, discussing advancement and reviewing summer camp. Let me know if you can make it.
Our first Troop Meeting will be Sept 3 at Myles School starting at 7 PM. This earlier than usual start is due to the Fall Council Camporee being Sept 12-14 as part of the Mighty Run at the Masonic Care Community. We need to get a head count for this event and do the menu and food purchase plan. I would like to meet with all of the Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders and Senior Scouts at 6:30 to plan the upcoming meetings.