Myron Sierson, Chris Sierson’s Granddad, has set up a Camp Card sale at Stewart’s located between Myles school and Clinton on Rte 12 B for this Friday afternoon from 4-7 PM. Any scout interested in helping out will split the profits toward summer camp. Several scouts indicated that they were interested in this opportunity to earn $$ toward camp. Mr Sierson can be reached at 853-1229 or cell 272-6330 for additional info.
NH Rotary Pancake Day ticket sales are due in at the next Troop Mtg May 8. Each scout received and is responsible for 10 tickets= $80. Scouts can sign up for service hours at the May 8 meeting. Scouts are needed from 07:30 to 11:30 Sat May 11. We will try to schedule 2 shifts 07:30 to 09:30 and 09:30 to 11:30.