Date Change — Erie Canal Canoe Trip

Please read the message below from Kris Sierson and respond to Kris if you can make this event. You can use your own canoe/kayak. If you need a boat we can arrange to use council watercraft but we will need a few days lead time. Please respond ASAP.

FROM: Kristian P Sierson
Due to a conflict with another Scouting Event we would like to move the canoe trip to August 29. The thought is this change would allow for more participants from our Troop. The trip details would be as follows:

Leave Rome around 8:30 and canoe the barge canal to lock 20 in Marcy around 1:30. Upon arrival in Marcy we would end the day with a BBQ.

I can be reached at 941-5897 or my email is

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