
Computers Merit Badge work is due, last date before partials are issued is June 6th.
Contact Ben with questions if you do not know what you owe.

Board of Reviews are scheduled for tonight and next weeks meetings. Please remember your scout books.


Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser

Come Support Anthony Pandolfo’s Eagle Scout Project with a can and bottle drive, proceeds to benefit the Central New York Veterans Outreach Center.

Drop off your bottles and cans at American Legion Post 1376; corner of Clinton Street and Middle Settlement Road on Saturday June 23rd from 9:00AM-2:00PM


June Family Picnic and Court of Honor

Scout Families:   Our Troop 4 picnic will be held at the St. Thomas Pavillon, 6pm, on Wednesday, June 13.  As in years previous, everyone brings something (salads, chips, drinks, etc.) and the troop supplies the hamburgers and hot dogs.  We will need a count of who is coming so we can order meat and what each family is planning to bring so that we have variety (not 20 bowls of macaroni salad!) of sides.  Please RSVP as soon as you can, to Pat Moreland.
Thank you!

New Photos

There are new photos in our photo gallery from previous years Spring Trips.  If you have any photos from Troop activities that you would like published on the website, contact Ben at

New Website

Welcome to the new Troop 4 website.

It is a work in progress and is currently being updated, so please be patient with us.

The Troop meets every Wednesday that School is in session at Myles Elementary School on Clinton Road (NYS 12B) in New Hartford from 7:00PM-8:30PM.

You can contact Assistant Scoutmaster Ben Obernesser with any questions: