This is a reminder that we have a council wide Camporee this weekend at Camp Kingsley. You will need to make your menus and food lists this Weds. The cost of food is $10 /person in cash. We need to know if you are going on the campout at the beginning of the meeting, so check your calendar before the meeting.
Author Archives: Ben-ASM
Fall Court of Honor
This is a reminder that we are holding our fall Court of Honor this Weds at 7 PM in Myles Cafeteria. Parents should plan on attending this event. Scouts should be in full class A uniform including neckerchief. We will have shirts and mugs available for sale. Rank advancements and Merit Badges will be awarded.
2012 World Brotherhood Camporee
Pictures from the 2012 World Brotherhood Camporee have been posted to our photo gallery. If you have additional photos that you would like to add, send them in an e-mail to or bring them to a troop meeting.
Important Reminder September 2012
There is a Troop Committee meeting at 6 PM at Myles prior to the Scout meeting. Those of you planning on going to the World Brotherhood Camporee at Wellsley Island this weekend need to bring $10 cash for food. So far we have 7 scouts who said they wanted to go and 5 others who were not sure. We will need a couple of additional adults for transportation and /or to stay w/us.
Upcomming Events and Important Info
- Our next committee meeting will be Sept 26 at 6 PM at Myles, (just prior to the Troop Mtg). All leaders and committee members should attend. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to join us.
- The World Brotherhood Camporee is Sept 28-30 at Wellsley Island State Park. We will be leaving Friday after school and return early Sunday afternoon. The cost of food is $10 in cash payable at the beginning of the scout meeting this Wednesday. There will be over 2000 scouts and scouters in attendance from the NE USA and Canada.
- Wednesday Sep 26 will also be a Board of Review for scouts who are ready for rank advancement. This will be the last chance to turn in your work toward MBs for the Court of Honor
- Wednesday Oct 3 will be our Court of Honor /Parents night. All parents should be in attendance.
- The Council Camporee will be held at Camp Kingsley on Oct 12-14. This will be a great opportunity to work on advancement and participate in unique activities.
First Fall Meeting
Our first meeting will be September 12 7 -8:30PM at Myles School. We have a number of events schedule for the fall including the World Brotherhood Jamboree Sep 28-30 at Wellsey Island and a all Council Camporee Oct 12-14 at Camp Kingsley. Planning for these two events as well as Troop Mtgs will start at this meeting. We will also be handing out Gertrude Hawk Candy Order Forms. Please plan on attending.
Calendar Update
We have changed formats to Google Calendar. We will be updating our calendar regularly and have integrated it with our Order of the Arrow Lodge and District/Council Calendars. Use the link in the menu to see the calendar.
Popcorn Announcment
I wanted to touch base early as the Scoutwire has told us that the dates for selling/delivering Popcorn have changed. They have all been moved up by several weeks.
I have a Kickoff meeting on August 15. I hope to have additional forms, etc. for any of you who do not get them in the mail. If you do not receive them, please let me know so we can make arrangements to get them to you.
Popcorn Take Order Start Date is now August 15.
Orders are due back to me by October 24.
Popcorn will be picked up on November 20 (Tuesday), and will need to be picked up at the school that evening.
Money will be due to me on November 28.
As in past years, each Scout is responsible for earning $80 for the Troop Treasury. This is approximately $275 in sales of Popcorn. Any sales over that – the Scout receives 30% toward Camp, (and if enough is earned the Spring Trip) Summer camp price has not been set yet but it will be at least $300. The spring trip is usually about $100.
If the Scout does not sell the minimum of $275, the parents will be responsible for the difference to the troop.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Donna Blenis
Popcorn Kernel
Boilermaker 5k Walk
For those of you who are planning to help with Water station:
- You need to be at the Command Post Parking area adjacent to the Dorms at MVCC by 9:30AM Saturday, (tomorrow).
- Mr Baron has the T shirts and ID which he will distribute to you.
- The event will last until 12:00 +/-
- They have had hot dogs and hamburgers for volunteers in the past, not sure if this will be the same this year.
· Class B shirts should be worn.
Family Picnic and Court Of Honor
June 13th 6PM St. Thomas Church Pavilion
The Troop will be providing Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for dinner. Bring a dish to pass, contact Mrs. Moreland with what you are bringing.