Scouting News — September 11, 2013

Scout Troops and 2nd-Year Webelos Dens register for our council-wide Shooting Sports Fall Camporee at the Trenton Fish and Game Club (near Holland Patent) October 18th – 20th. Shooting sports of all kinds will be featured and every Scout and adult will enjoy a great weekend. Click here to download the registration form. Remember that registration is first come, first served so get in while you can!

Scouts, age 14 and up, are urged to consider joining our council crew headed to Philmont from August 5-17, 2014. Interested Scouts/parents should contact the Council Service Center immediately to reserve their space. Only a few spaces remain.

Volunteers wanted to help with “Intergenerational Fall Clean – up” in Oneida County on Saturday 10/26 – 10/27. General yard clean-up includes: raking, bagging, sweeping and taking light refuse to the curb. To help out, call Bob Roth or Joe Loconti at 798-6438.

The Members of Ga-Hon-Ga Lodge will like to remind all Arrowmen and Ordeal Candidates about the 2013 Fall Induction Weekend. Induction Weekend will be taking place at Camp Kingsley on September 20-22, 2013. Those who are eligible for Brotherhood Honor are encouraged to attend and seal their membership. Pre-registration is required so please sign up before Sept 13. If you have questions please email Ben Obernesser at or call 271-3691.

Council Fall Camporee Oct-18 to Oct-20 2013

Save the Date!
2013 Council Fall Camporee
October 18th – October 20th, 2013
Trenton Fish and Game Club

Join Scouts and Scouters from throughout the council for a shooting sports themed fall camporee!

Mark your calendars for October 18th – October 20th at the Trenton FIsh and Game Club.

Activities will include rifle shooting, shotguns, bb guns, archery, muzzle loaders, orienteering and more! The facilities at Trenton are top-notch and you will not want to miss this chance to come together and enjoy some great activities at a great location. Planning is underway and additional information will be released very soon.

2013 Fall Scout Startup

Our 1st troop meeting will be Wed Sep-11 at 700pm at Myles School. Please visit our website at to see our calendar of events. September highlights include:

  • Sep-18 Open House: Bring friends to see what Scouting is all about. This is the kickoff to our fall recruiting.
  • Sep-25 Troop meeting to organize for the World Brotherhood Camp-o-ree in Ontario, Canada.
  • Sep-27to29: World Brotherhood Camp-o-ree near Morrisburg Ontario, Canada. Youth must have a valid photo ID or Passport. Adults must have an enhanced driver’s license or Passport. Please note that photo ID’s are available from NYS DMV. There is a fee and they take 2 to 3 weeks to process. We will also need a permission letter signed by a parent/ guardian to go across the border.

Finally you should have received a Popcorn Sales kit in the mail about a week ago. If you did not please contact Donna Blenis ( You will also be getting a candy flyer from Gertrude Hawk on the 11th. Each scout is required to earn $100 for the troop treasury. This means you need to sell a minimum of $300 of product. This money pays for all of our activities/fees, reregistration, awards, insurance and camping equipment. Any profit from sales above the $100 mark will be put aside toward summer camp 2014 fees. If there are any questions see me or any Committee member at the Sep-11 troop meeting.

Upcoming Planning Meeting on August 28

We will be holding our ‘kick off’ planning meeting for the Troop Committee on Wednesday, August 28 at 600pm at the house of Scoutmaster Paul Obernesser. Mr. O will get hot dogs and hamburgers. Please bring a small dish of your choice to pass. All committee members, uniform leaders and parents are welcome to attend. Patrol leaders and Senior Patrol are also invited. We will be planning the year’s events through summer camp in 2014.

ADDRESS– 5027 Albrecht Road in Westmoreland (Rome mailing address). From New Hartford take Rte 5 to Rte 233, then go north through the hamlet of Westmoreland. Go over the Thruway and take the 1st left onto Eureka Rd. Go 2.2 miles to the hamlet of Bartlett. Go right 100 ft. and take an immediate left (in front of the Bartlett Baptist Church). This is still the Eureka Rd. Go 2 miles and take a left onto Albrecht Road. It is the 3rd house on the left. If you get lost please call 315-337-6402.

Please RSVP with the number attending so that we can get enough meat and rolls.

Scouting News — July 31

Show-n-Sell orders are closed. Popcorn delivery will be at the Popcorn Kick-Off on Thursday, 8/15 at Rome Free Academy. Look for Take-Order flyers in your mailbox before 8/15. Scouts can sell popcorn immediately upon receiving the flyer. If you do not receive a flyer please contact the Scout Service Center.

All Units should plan to have a representative at the District Program Kick-Off in August. Adirondack Foothills District will hold their kick-off on Monday, 8/26 at the pavilion at the Frankfort Marina off Railroad Street. Powderhorn District will hold their kick-off at Rome Free Academy on Thursday, 8/15 in conjunction with the Council Popcorn Kick-Off.

The Literacy Coalition of Herkimer and Oneida Counties is interested in partnering with prospective Eagle Scouts on a variety of projects promoting literacy. Scouts looking for a great Eagle Project should contact Lara Sepanski Pimentel, Director, at

Troops and Webelo Dens: Save the weekend of 10/18-10/20 for our council-wide Fall Camporee at Trenton Fish & Game Club. Shooting sports will be featured and all participants will be able to earn a variety of badges. More details will be given at the program kick-offs in August.

Mike Donaghue, Scout Executive, is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the Revolutionary Trails staff. Michael Harwood has been selected as our new District Executive. Mike is an Eagle Scout from Brewerton, NY and currently is serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster in his home troop.

Siobhan Woods will replace Ariana as Development Assistant. She starts next Friday and comes to us from the Stanley Theater where she works in both marketing and development. While she will be missed, we congratulate and wish Ariana well as she heads off Syracuse University College of Law.

World Brotherhood Camporee

This year’s World Brotherhood Camporee is September 27-29, 2013 at Riverside-Cedar Park, Morrisburg, Ontario. To travel between the United States and Canada scouts will need a photo ID, which can be obtained through the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, or a valid passport. Adults will need an enhanced NYS driver’s license or a valid passport. We will also need a permission slip signed by the parents for anyone going without a parent. We’ll distribute permission slips at a meeting in September.

Scouting News — July 17, 2013

Jambo Patch 1 With the National Scout Jamboree now in full swing, you will want to get your NSJ patch sets before they are sold out. Patches can be purchased at the Scout Service Center.

Unit Leaders, please save one of the following nights in your calendar for our August Program Kick-Off BBQ:
Adirondack Foothills: Monday, 8/26
Location and additional details to follow.

Brooks BBQ will be hosting a chicken BBQ Wednesday, 8/7 from 5PM-8PM at Rotary Park, Little Falls.
Dinner will include chicken, salt potatoes, coleslaw, rolls and beverage. Cost $9. Chicken only: $6, Salt Potatoes: $1.50.

Mark the date in your calendars! A council-wide Fall Camporee will take place Friday, 10/18 to Sunday, 10/20 at the Trenton Falls Fish and Game Club. What Scout wouldn’t want to enjoy some rifle, shotgun and archery shooting?

Summer Camp Equipment Logistics

Here is a list of items you should pack for summer camp. Everyone should arrive at Camp Russell between 12:15 and 12:30 on Sunday July 7. We will meeting the main Parking area. Allow at least 45 minutes to drive from NH to White Lake.

As a reminder, if we don’t already have your current medical (signed by a Physician within the last 12 months prior to July 7) you need to bring a current Medical with you. Scoutmaster Obernesser will be out of town from June 28 through July 6.

See you at camp.

Summer Camping Equipment List

Clothing should be packed in large Ziploc bags, to keep them clean and dry.  All equipment should have your name on it.

  • Sleeping bag in a waterproof stuff  sack
  • Ground pad
  • Scout uniform
  • Class B scout shirt(s)
  • Pancho / Rain gear
  • Hat
  • Scout Book  (Look in here for the real list)
  • Light jacket
  • Sweatshirt
  • Swim Suit and Towel
  • Toiletries (except tooth paste)
  • 4 sets of Socks, underwear
  • Good foot wear ( no open toe or crocs)
  • 2 pair of shorts
  • 1 pair long pants
  • 3 tee shirts
  • Jack Knife, Compass, Camera  (optional)
  • Fish pole   (optional)
  • Drinking cup (Troop 4 mug)
  • Flashlight w/ extra batteries
  • Liquid Bug repellent in a small squeeze bottle, No Aerosols!
  • Spending money for the Trading Post


Merit Badge Planning for Summer Camp

We will be scheduling merit badges for summer camp work at our next Troop meeting. To get a list of merit badges offered at Camp Russell click on the link below:

Merit Badge Worksheet

Please have your list ready for next week’s meeting on 6/12. Do not schedule two activities for the same time period. Note to first year campers: You will be in the Russell Ranger’s program primarily working on Second and First Class skills, and we can discuss working on a merit badge or two with you.