General Announcments

The Troop will be meeting at Perry Jr. High at 6:30PM for Swim Night instead of our normal troop meeting.

Next week 5/21/14 the Troop will be placing American flags on the grave of Veterans in Greenlawn Cemetery on Route 5 in New Hartford. This will start at 6PM and then we will head to Myles Elementary for our normal troop meeting at 7pm.

Committee Meeting

This is a reminder that we have a Troop Committee meeting prior to the Troop Meeting this Weds 6 PM in the Myles Cafeteria.  The following events will be discussed:
·       NH Rotary Pancake Day May3
·       Spring trip to Scranton May 9-11
·       Council Recognition Dinner May 15
·       Family Picnic June 18
·       Summer Camp July 26- Aug 2
We will be going over our treasurer’s report, discussing troop advancement.
All Committee members, Uniformed Leaders need to attend.  Parents are encouraged to attend and give input.  We need to add adults to the Troop Committee in several roles.  This is an opportunity for you to spend quality time with your son(s).

Summer Camp Updates

From ScoutMaster Obernesser:

Opening Cedarlands for a week of resident summer camp August 3-9 was based on having 150 Boy Scouts signed up by April 15. This is the minimum number that the Executive Board required to have in order to open. Back in the fall, several troops committed to going to CSR for the week and turned in their estimate of scouts attending. It appeared that we had more than enough scouts and proceeded with the planning necessary to open a camp. Several troops have since backed out and /or have few attendees. As of last night there were only 107 scouts signed up. A decision has been made not to run a resident camp this year. This leaves us with somewhat of a dilemma as we have signed up 28 scouts to attend the week of August 3.

Our option is to go to Camp Russell, (as we have done for the past 2 years), and use Cedarlands as an outpost high adventure for the older scouts. The 1st and 4th week at Russell have vacancies. Weeks 2 and 3 are full. I am not available week 1. At this point I would like to sign the troop up for week 4 which is July 28 –August 2. I need to hear back from everyone who has paid their $50 deposit.

Can you go the week of July 28? Leaders who have requested vacation, can you switch dates?

Let me know ASAP.

SCOUTWIRE — 4/10/2014

We would like to share with you that our Scout Executive, Michael Donaghue, after 30 years of service to the Boy Scouts has decided to pursue other interests. We wish him well, and if you see him, be sure to thank him! Our interim Scout Executive is Brad Bowersox, who is our Area 3 Director.

Please be aware that this weekend’s 10 Commandments hike has been cancelled.

Reminder: Saturday, April 26 is Clean and Green Day. We encourage you and your Units to participate in your local community’s Clean and Green initiatives to improve the streets and natural resources around us. Make sure to log in your community service hours.

Boy Scout Summer Camp: Deposits due Tuesday, April 15. $50/Scout. If your Unit hasn’t made its $100 site reservation, please do so as soon as possible.

Provisional Troop: Not going with your Troop, or want to go again? Well you can! Both Camp Russell and Cedarlands will both have Provisional Troops this year. If you’re interested, contact Sam Getman, Council Camp Coordinator.

Camperships Available: Generous donations have allowed the Council to offer ten, $100.00 camperships for Scouts to apply for use to attend Cedarlands. Use the Operation Sunshine form, fill it in, print on the top: CSR CAMPERSHIP, and turn it in by April 15.

Operation Sunshine: Applications due Sunday, June 1. Click here to download the 2014’s application.

Don’t have any ideas for Mother’s day? Come join us for our annual Mom & Me campout! Mom & Me is a special weekend of adventure for mom and son doing the things that Scouts do: shooting sports, climbing, hiking, arts and crafts, games and much more! Mom & Me will take place Friday, May 9 – Saturday, May 10 at Camp Kingsley. Click here to register.

Join us on Monday, May 12, 2014 for our annual Golf Classic! This year’s event will be at the beautiful Teugega Country Club in Rome. Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30AM, shotgun start at 1:00PM. Awards, cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres immediately following play. For more information, and to register individual golfers and teams, click here.

The date is May 15, the location is Daniele’s Banquet House on Rt. 5 in New Hartford, and the cost is $25.00 per person. Registration will be available shortly. Come join us in recognizing some great Scouters at this annual dinner. Reminder-nominations for Silver Beaver and District Award of Merit are due this week!

The date changed to Thursday, June 19, and the location will be the Scout Service Center in Utica. An invitation to all the council’s voting members has been sent out reflecting this change.

All leaders should be trained for their role in Scouting and that includes training in outdoor skills and leadership. All Cub and Scout Leaders should are urged to join your council trainers on May 3-4 at Camp Kingsley when we are offering Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills, Outdoor Skills for Webelos Leaders, and Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) for Cub Scout Leaders. Registration will be available on-line this week.

Registration for National Youth Leadership Training, May 23-25 and May 30-June 1, is now available on the Council’s website. Scouts, parents and leaders are urged to register now! Space is limited.

Receive the highest level of adult Scout leader training available by attending Wood Badge Training. We are partnering with the Otschodela Council in Oneonta to run the course over 2 weekends late this summer (August 15-17) and early fall (September 20-22). Any adult leader may attend and enjoy this amazing experience. More information is here.

Meeting Announcements 4/9/14

All:  We handed out NH Rotary Pancake tickets to all scouts in attendance. Each packet has 5 or 6 tickets which scouts should sell for $8 ea. or 2 for $15.  You are responsible for these tickets.  Please turn the money in at our next meeting on April 23 or at the latest on April 30.  We must turn the money in to the Rotary before the Pancake Day on May 3.  The Rotary usually donates $500 back to the troop, which we apply to the cost of the spring trip.  On April 30 we will have a signup sheet so each scout can sign up for the hours they would like to work.

Spring Trip to Scranton is May 9-11.  We will be leaving NH Friday after school and being going to a scout camp outside of Scranton, PA.  We have reserved two cabins with bunks and electricity.  We need to have an exact head count for the Coal Mine Tour and the Baseball game. To date I have 22 scout signed up.  If you are going and have not given me the $30, I will need the money at our next meeting on April 23.  This will be the cut off!!!

 We have 26 scouts signed up with a deposit (or more) for summer camp which will be August 3-9 at Cedarlands.  The $50 deposit is due by April 15 NEXT TUESDAY. If you are planning to go to Summer Camp you will need to get me a minimum of $50 by Monday April 14.  The following scouts are not yet registered for summer camp Matt Bailey, David Bauer, Frank Dardano, Doug Flory, Brennan Lott, Noah Love, Trevor Owens, Paul Tedesco.

We will be doing our annual Clean and Green on Saturday April 26 at the NH American Legion and NH Veterans Park.  Following the cleanup we will be going to Camp Kingsley for an overnight. This is an important campout especially for our newest scouts.  The boys will be planning their menus at the next troop meeting on April 23. I believe $5 cash will be enough to cover the food.  Each patrol will buy their own food for this event.

Spring Trip, Summer Camp, Camp Cards

The spring trip to Scranton is May 9-11 and will include a tour of the Lackawana County Coal mine/museum, Steamtown National Historic site/museum and a AAA Baseball game. We are staying in cabins at a nearby scout camp. The cost of the spring trip is $50 for scouts and registered leaders ($30 for scouts who work at the Pancake Day)and $60 for other adults. This includes travel, overnight stay, food and entry fees to the venues. I would like $30 to get a firm head count by 4-9. If writing a check please make it out to TROOP 4 BSA.

Summer camp is Aug 3-9 at Cedarlands in Long Lake. The cost is $325 if paid in full by June 1. I need a minimum $50 non-refundable deposit by Weds 4-9. This secure a spot for your son at camp at the lowest camp fee. If writing a check please make it out to Revolutionary Trails, BSA.

If you have outstanding Camp Cards, you need to get them sold ASAP and turn the money in to Mr. Pandolfo. He has additional cards if you would like to earn more money toward summer camp.

Scoutwire — 3/26/2014

If you have not signed up for the Spring Sale, now is the chance. A great opportunity to raise that last little bit of money to go to Camp or other summer activities. If you are interested email Rolland Miner before April 1, 2014.

Join us on Monday, May 12, 2014 for our annual Golf Classic! This year’s event will be at the beautiful Teugega Country Club in Rome. Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30AM, shotgun start at 1:00PM. Awards, cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres immediately following play. For more information, and to register individual golfers and teams, click here.

Registration for National Youth Leadership Training, May 23-25 and May 30-June 1, is now available on the Council’s website. Scouts, parents and leaders are urged to register now! Space is limited.

Super Sports Saturday was a big hit this year with over 150 people attending. Congratulations to this year’s winners: Ilion Cub Pack 9!

It’s been a few years since our Council hosted a Wood Badge course. Here’s your opportunity to get this valuable training. We are partnering with the Otschodela Council in Oneonta to run the course over 2 weekends late this summer (August 15-17) and early fall (September 20-22). Any adult leader may attend and enjoy this amazing experience. Mark your calendar. More information is here.

Are you a Commissioner or just want to know what a Commissioner does? If so, attend the College of Commissioners Science in Syracuse on Saturday, April 12, 2014. For more information contact Mark Miller, Diane Drake or Rolland Miner at the Scout Service Center (315-735-4437).

As announced in the last Scout Wire, please save the night of Thursday, May 15 for the RTC Annual Meeting and Recognition Dinner. Location and other details will be forthcoming. Reminder: send in your nominations for Silver Beaver and District Award of Merit now to the Scout Service Center.

Wed 3/26/2014 Meeting & Court of Honor

This Wednesday 3/26/2014 we will have our monthly committee meeting at 6 PM. All leaders and committee are encouraged to attend. Parents are also welcome.

This week is also our Court of Honor. We will be inducting several new scouts and have a number of advancements. We will be discussing summer camp and Friends of Scouting. At least one parent should attend. We will have refreshments if everyone remembers to bring a a few cookies, etc. Scoutmaster will have juice drink and coffee.

Also, if you have Camp Cards, please get them sold and bring in the money on Wed 3/26. We need to get a good accounting on these sales. We have more cards available if you need them.

Boy Scout Leader Basic Training


Join your council training team on Saturday, March 29 from 9 AM to 5 PM to complete the indoor portion of Boy Scout Leader Basic Training.

The course will be held at the Scout Service Center in Utica.

To be a fully trained Boy Scout leader, you must complete this and the outdoor training session scheduled for the first weekend in May at Camp Kingsley.

Anyone interested, should call the Scout Service Center at 735-4437 and speak with Sam or Amanda.