Solar Eclipse @ CK

Leatherstocking Council is having an Eclipse Viewing Event from 2-5 PM on April 8.  Preregistration is required.  The cost is $10/person. Scouts and registered leaders will be paid of the Troop Treasury. All others will need to pay out of pocket.  Please let me know if you are planning to attend before next Wednesday so that I can register everyone.  Special glasses, snacks and a patch will be provided to those registered.  Let me know ASAP.


Paul O

2024 Parent & Scout Campout

We are holding our annual Parent/ Scout weekend at Kingsley March 8-10.  We will be using the Dining Hall which is heated and has flush toilets.  This is a great weekend to spend time with your son(s).  With the new Youth Protection requirements, all adults staying over night must be registered with the BSA.  This means you need to have filled out an adult application and complete Youth Protection Training for this year.  Parents who are not registered may come up for the day.  I will need your completed BSA Adult Application on Wednesday to give time for reference checks and the required background check.

The cost for food is $15/ person.  I would like this in cash this week for all who will be attending.

Happy New Year!

All:  First Happy New Year.  This Wednesday will be a Court of Honor to present advancements.  As part of the opening, we will be formally inducting Luke and Shane into the Troop. Following the ceremonies, we will be having our monthly leaders/parents meeting to discuss upcoming events, recruiting, finances, etc. Scouts will work on skills for the Klondike Derby.  See you at 7 PM on Wednesday.

Paul O.

Service Opportunity

All: We have been asked to help with Wreaths Across America sponsored by the DAR. The event is this Saturday at 10 AM at the Old Burial Ground on Kirkland Ave in Clinton, (across from the Clinton Arena). There will be a short presentation followed by placing wreaths at veteran’s graves. Wear your uniform and dress warm. This can count toward service hours.

11-29-23 Meeting Info

We will be planning our next campout Dec 8-10 at this week’s meeting.  Younger Scouts will be working on Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class outdoor skills. Ben will be doing the ILST for all Scouts who are 2nd Class, 1st Class or above.  ILST is the introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.  It is a prerequisite to NYLT, National Youth Leadership Training, which our Council is hosting in August.  The troop has historically paid ½ the tuition for 2 to 4 Scouts for NYLT.  I will be available to answer questions about all of these programs on Wednesday.

The cost of food for the campout is $15/person.  Please have in cash this week.

Paul O.

Leaders Meeting & Upcoming Events November

All:  We Need to have a leader’s meeting this Wednesday to discuss all upcoming events and how we are going to do them.  At least one parent should plan on attending this meeting which will start at 7:05.

Scouting for Food our annual Good Turn is Friday 4-8 and Sat 9-12 Chanatry’s on French Rd.  We expect each Scout to participate. Sign up for your shift at the meeting.

Our last Campout was cancelled o to lack of participants.  We wasted $95 on campsite rental.  If we have enough Scouts planning to on attending the Campout on Nov 17-19, I will reserve a cabin at Camp Kingsley.  I need to know this week who is interested, as the Council requires a reservation at least two weeks out.

Any ???? Contact me.

Paul O.

Popcorn Take Order Information

All:  This is a reminder that all Take Order Popcorn sheets are due at the beginning of this week’s Troop Meeting.  Please cross-check the sheets for accuracy before the meeting.  It will save us a lot of work.  Also please look at the prize sheet and determine which prize(s) you want.

Thanks \

Paul O.

Upcoming Information

  1. We have secured Camp Woodland for next weekend Oct 21-22.  This will be the last tent camping event for 2023. Camp Woodland is located north of Oneida lake and is owned by Longhouse Council out of Syracuse.  Ray Eschenbach will be teaching Scouting Heritage MB.  The cost is $10 for food for the weekend.  We need to have a head count by the beginning of the Scout meeting on Wednesday.  We plan on carpooling there and back, so we need to know who is driving.
  2. The Council Gaming Weekend at Camp Kingsley is Nov 10-12.  The cost is $36 /person, of which the Troop will reimburse $20/ scout.  More info on this event and sign up are on the Council website  Please let me know when you sign up.
  3. Scouting for Food (Good Turn) is tentatively scheduled for Nov 3-4 at Chanatry’s Food Market French Rd in Utica.  WE need scouts and adults to sign up for shifts on Friday 4-8 and Saturday 8-11
  4. We could do a campout on Nov 17-18 at Camp Kingsley if we have enough interest.  This would be a Cabin event.  We need to know who is committed to attend this Wednesday so that we can reserve a cabin.
  5. All take order sheets for the popcorn fund raiser are due at the Scout meeting on Oct 25.  Please verify the arithmetic on each sheet prior to the meeting.  Money from these sheets is also due on the 25th.

Any ?? contact me

Paul Obernesser

Court of Honor on Wednesday

This Wednesday Sept 27 will be our fall Court of Honor, (awards night).  Scouts have earned several merit badges and rank awards.  Please plan on being at Myles school by 7:00.  Scouts should wear their uniforms including neckerchiefs and sashes.   We asked scouts to bring a few cookies.  The Troop will supply cider and water.