Upcoming Events — 2/19/2015

Father Son Campout is Feb 27-Mar 1 at Camp Russell. We will be in the Dining Hall with mattresses and heat. Having a dad stay overnight is not a requirement, but we would like to see them there. The cost is $10/person IN CASH next Wednesday 2/25. We will hold our monthly leaders meeting in the afternoon on Sat.

Merit Badge Midway is March 14 at Utica College. This is an opportunity to start working on several MB which are not taught at summer camp or typically taught at troop meetings. Attached below is the the Draft Flyer for this event. You will need to pre-register at the Scout office or online at Scoutingcny.org

2015-MBM Flyer-DRAFT

Updates 1/26/2015

This is a reminder that we have a leaders meeting this Wed 1/28 at 6PM at Myles (prior to the troop meeting). Parents are welcome to attend. We will be discussing the Klondike Derby and other upcoming events.

The annual Troop 108 Biathlon is Feb 7 at Cassidy Hollow Rod and Gun Club in Oriskany Falls. You must be 12 year old to participate. There will be instruction in the AM, lunch and shooting 22s at several locations on the trail in the PM. We need a head count by Wed 1/28.

Thank you to those who filled out and returned their Friends of Scouting pledges. If you were at the Court of Honor last week and did not return the pledge pamphlet please do so this week. If you missed the Court of Honor you can get your FOS pledge materials at this week’s meeting.

Klondike Derby and Jan-2015 Court of Honor

The annual Klondike Derby is Jan 30 to Feb 1 at Camp Russell. We will be staying in the Dining Hall which is heated and has mattresses. During the day on Saturday the Dining Hall will be used for a warming area as well as lunch by the entire District, so we will have to move our gear to the far end.

Also a reminder we will be conducting the final Board of Review this week for the Court of Honor next week. Parents should plan on attending the Court of Honor Jan 21.

Klondike Derby 2015

The Klondike Derby will be held on Jan 30 at Camp Russell. We will be in the Dining Hall Friday and Saturday nights. The Dining Hall will be used for lunch and as a warm up station for the event Saturday. Please look through the Leaders Guide sent separately by Scoutmaster O as it describes all of the activities and what equipment & materials each patrol will need. The troop has two sleds and several snow snakes. You may wish to build your own snow snake.

Patrol Leaders should be preparing their Patrol for the event challenges during January troop meetings.

Cooking Merit Badge

From Scoutmaster O —

Several scouts who attended summer camp in the past 2-3 years have completed many of the requirements for Cooking MB. I believe I handed out information on nutrition & diet a couple of months ago. Since that time many of you may have been working on Salesmanship and/or Mammal Study and I haven’t pushed the Cooking MB. I would like to continue with Cooking starting in January. Attached is a workbook which may help you. It is 30+ pages long. We will be using parts of it, particularly the sections where you must “explain to your counselor” or “create a menu” etc.

If you are interested in completing this Eagle Required MB, print out the work book and begin over the holiday break.


Updates and Upcoming Events — Week of 11/24/2014

NEW HARTFORD ROTARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST– Thanks to everyone who participated in the NH Rotary Pancake Day. We donated 129 hours of community service!

SCOUTING FOR FOOD– For those who may not have heard, we collected over 3800 items for Feed Our Vets during our annual Scouting for Food event two weeks ago. This is the best collection in our history. Great Job! From Rick Watkajtys, Boy Scout Chair, New Hartford Legion Post #1376:

    Troop #4: As Mr. Obernesser points out our annual Scouting for Food drive did go exceptionally well. Our original food count was 3,868 food items which weighed down the Feed Our Vets truck by 2,000 lbs or 1 ton of food. Shortly after the Scouts left, the Notre Dame ROTC truck pulled up with another load of food which thanks to Pete Obernesser made its way downtown to the Feed Our Vets building making our grand haul 4,200 items! As Paul said, great job by everyone involved in this worthwhile community project. Yesterday’s pancake breakfast was another great event at which time I was able to present Paul with a check for $500 which was a very generous donation to our Troop by the Sons of American Legion New Hartford Post #1376. I also gave Mr. O the American Legion nomination form for Eagle Scout of the year. If any Eagles over 15 years of age are interested in applying please see MR. O as he has the forms which need to be filed by March 1, 2015. One requirement is that the Eagle must have received the appropriate Boy Scout religious emblem. The American Legion Eagle Scout of the year will receive a $10,000 scholarship with 3 runner-up awards of $2,500. Lastly, thanks to everyone who turned out for the Veterans Days ceremony at the New Hartford Vets Memorial. That was another great event and I have received many compliments from our Legion Commander as well as members of the Sons and Post Color Guard for the great turnout and Scout presence at that ceremony.
    Yours in Scouting,
    Rick Watkajtys, Boy Scout Chair, New Hartford Legion Post #1376

NEXT SCOUT MEETING– There is no scout meeting this week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Candy money is due at our next scout meeting on Dec 3.


  • Saturday Dec 13 is the Northern Lights winter camping experience indoor session at the Scout Office. This is for scouts who are 1st class or above. This program replaces GAWASA. If you are interested sign up and pay at the Scout Office by Dec 10. The outdoor session is Jan 2-4 at Camp Russell.
  • We have scheduled a swim night from 6:30 to 8:30 on Wednesday Dec 17th at Parry Jr High pool. This will replace our regular troop meeting on the 17th. Patrol leaders should plan on reviewing the 8 point safe swim defense at their patrol meeting.