MB Work Reminder

If you missed last week’s meeting, Mr. Gemza started the Personal Management MB.  He will be there again this Wednesday.  One very  important requirement is to create a budget for the next 3 months then tract income and expenses.

Important Upcoming Dates

There are several dates you should be aware of;

  1. Our first Troop meeting will be Sept 11 7-8:30 at Myles School.
  2. Any adults who want to participate in Outdoor Activities should consider the IOLS Training on 9-21/22.
  3. The Order of the Arrow fall Fellowship is 9/13-15.  James, Noah, Karson & Ben should try to attend .  This is also0 Beaver Day at Kingsley.  Any adults interested in helping with camp maintenance are encouraged to attend.  Sign up for both are on line.
  4. We are signed up for the World Brotherhood Camporee at Wellsley Island  on 10-18-20.  We will need a good head count of Scouts and Leaders by the end of Sept.
  5. All other upcoming events are on the troop website . Click Calendar in the menu above.

Meeting 6-12-24

As a reminder, this Wednesday is the last regular Troop meeting.  We will be conducting a Board of Review for advancements.  You need to submit all of your Merit Badge work this week if you want to get your awards at the picnic on the 19th.

Everyone going to summer camp must have a current BSA Medical with part ‘C. sign by your doctor.  I need to have 2 copies of this form at least a week prior to summer camp.  Any ?? call me.

Paul O.

June Program Updates

Our Family picnic and Court of Hoor will be June 19th at St Thomas Church pavilion.  The Troop will provide the meats, rolls, condiments, and paper products.  We ask that each family bring a dish to pass or dessert.  I will need a head count by June 12.

Most Scouts have been working on Family Life MB and/or Citizenship in the Community MB.  Work on these MB needs to be in on June 6 or 12 to receive the MB at the picnic.

Reminder:  I need to have 2 copies of your current BSA Medical form A, B & C for summer camp.  Part C must be sign by a Doctor with in a year of attending camp, (July 14-20).

Paul O.

Memorial Day Flag Placement this Wednesday!

WE will be meeting at 6:30 this Wednesday at Greenlawn Cemetery to put flags on Veteran’s graves.  This is community service where we need everyone to participate.  If the weather cooperates, we will have our troo meeting at the NH American Legion.  We need to pull all of our camping equipment out of the garage, sort it, inventory it and put it in the proper place.  There may be an opportunity to buy surplus stuff.

Paul O

Week of 5-12-24

For those Scouts and adults going to the Salute to Service Camporee next Fri- Sun, the cost of food is $15 cash due Wednesday at the beginning of the meeting. 

All Scouts and leaders need an up-to-date BSA Medical signed by a doctor for a physical exam on or after Aug 2023.  This is a 3- part form.  Parts A & B are filled out by a parent. Part C is for the doctor.  The latest BSA Medical forms can be found on the National BSA website.   I need 2 copies, one for my records which I carry to all events and the other for Camp Massawepie.

Any ?? call, email or see me at the troop meeting.

Paul O.

2024 Council Camporee May 17-19

We have been talking about the Council wide spring camporee, Salute to Service for several weeks.  This will be a premier event at Griffiss Business and Technology Park featuring exhibits from several branches of the military, law enforcement, fire departments and DPWs.  There will be drones, robotics, canine units, fire rescue and more. We will be camping in tents from Friday PM through Sunday  AM.  The Troop will cover the $20/person registration.  Food will cost each person $15.  I need to get the troop registered after our meeting this Wednesday, so please let me know if you are planning to attend

Any non- registered parents who would like to camp out will need to be registered with the BSA.  This includes completing the Youth Protection Training on line and completing an Adult Application.

Meeting 4-3-24 Information

  1. We will be holding a Court of Honor for 1 Merit badge and 2 rank advancements next Wednesday.
  2.   We will also be conducting an Order of the Arrow election. Order of the Arrow is the honor program for Scouts. We have 3 Scouts who are eligible this year.  We need to have the majority of our Scouts in attendance to complete the election process.
  3. We will be conducting a leaders/parents planning meeting to complete the calendar through August.
  4. We will be conducting our annual Friends of Scouting Campaign.  This is our opportunity to support then Scouting program financially. It may interest you to know cost to bring the Scouting program to the youth of our community is approximately $1000/ year.  About 40% comes from the Council’s endowment.  The remainder comes from camp revenues, special fund raising events, grants from local foundations and the Friends of Scouting campaign.

We ask that at least one parent from each family attend and of course the entire family is welcome to attend.

We need to have a final head count on the Spring trip May 11-12 to Albany.  Early bird payment for summer camp is due at Seneca Waterways council by April 19.  I will be out of town April 10-14, so I would like to have final payments next Weds.  If you don’t know how much you owe, call me.

Spring Trip Information

We have reserved 20 spots on the USS Slater for Saturday May 11-12.  I need to send them a final roster next week, therefore I need to know who is going.  This is our Spring Trip.  We will also be visiting the State Museum in Albany on Saturday.  The cost is $15/Scout/Leader to cover the food costs.  Any parent wishing to go must be registered as this is an overnight event.  Any questions??

Paul O.

No Troop Meeting This Week

We will not have a meeting this week do to the Open House at Myles School.  Our next meeting is March 27.  All Whitley Peanut orders are due.  As a reminder this fund raiser goes toward summer camp fees.  Please check the order forms for accuracy before turning them in.

I need to know if you are going with us to the eclipse at CK on April 8.  Please let me know ASAP as I need to have an accurate headcount.

Our spring trip to Albany is May 11-12.  I need a headcount for this as well., so that the folks on the USS Slater know who to expect.