Myles School has an event on Wednesday Oct 18. There will not be a Cubs Scout or Boy Scout meeting. As a reminder, Popcorn orders are due in on October 25.
Author Archives: Ben-ASM
2018 – Cassety Hollow Rod and Gun Club Scout Biathlon
The Cassety Hollow Rod and Gun Club Scout Biathlon will be held on Saturday, January 20th, 2018.
The typical Saturday schedule will be followed again this year with registration in the morning, training after sign-in. Range Shooting, then Lunch and the running of the 2018 Biathlon for scouts over 12 years of age.
Troop 108 will provide lunch and the Club will provide a patch to all participants.
No change in Cost, $5/head, and as always we will need adult volunteers, .22 calibre rifles, radios and snowshoes.
More details and registration/permission forms to follow.
Mark Mowrey 315.796.6644
District Fall Camporee
The District FALL CAMPOREE is scheduled for October 13-15 at the Town of German Flatts Town Park on Rte. 5s east of Mohawk. Patrol leaders should plan on creating a menu and get a list of equipment at this week’s scout meeting. The theme of this event is Iron Chef, so a innovative menu should be considered. The troop will cover the cost of registration. You should figure $12 for food. We will need an accurate head count on Wednesday so that I can preregister.
Fall Court of Honor
All: This is a reminder that Wednesday night we will be holding our fall Court of Honor and parent’s night. Besides recognizing the scouts for their achievements, we will be inducting a new member and doing our Youth Protection Training which is required annually by National BSA. Please make every effort to be at this important meeting!
ALL: We will be leaving for the International Brotherhood Camporee in Morrisburg Ontario, Canada on Friday for the weekend. At this point, we have 4 adults planning to attend. We have 5 seats for scouts. I believe 7 scouts showed interest in going. We will need at least one more adult who is willing to stay for the weekend. We will be making final plans next Wednesday at the Troop meeting. The cost is $12/ person for food.
First Meeting Reminder
This is a reminder that Scout meeting start this Weds Sep 13 7-8:30 at Myles. We would like to recruit a few more scouts so bring a friend. We have a lot of activities this fall, please take a look at the calendar on the website.
Annual Planning Meeting
We had originally scheduled the leaders kick off meeting for Weds Aug 23. Due to a conflict, this important meeting is being moved to Monday August 21 at 6pm at the Obernesser residence 5027 Albrecht Rd Rome NY. We will be setting up the annual calendar of events, looking at a MB schedule etc. This meeting is open to all leaders and parents. The SPL, ASPL and PL are also welcome. I will need a good head count by Fri August 18. I will provide meat, rolls, drinks and condiments. Attendees are requested to bring a small dish to pass or desert. Please RSVP
Paul O.
End of Year Picnic
The annual family picnic and Court of Honor is this Wednesday at St Thomas 6 PM.
Scouts and leaders going to summer camp need get me a copy of their current BSA Medical sign by a doctor prior to arriving at camp. The forms can be found on the BSA website. Parts A, B, & C must be filled out. I will be away from June 28 -July 10. You can mail it to me 5027 Albrecht Rd Rome, NY 13440.
Tomorrow at 10 at Mr.Mozlom’s house the scouts working on communications merit badge are meeting.
Communications Merit Badge
To All Scouts working on their Communication Merit Badge:
Tomorrow, Wednesday June 14th, the Town of New Hartford is having a Town Board Meeting at Butler Hall, 48 located on Genesee Street, New Hartford, NY 13413. The building is near Cavallo’s. For those wishing to work on Requirement 5, “Attend a Public Meeting” plan on meeting there at 5:45pm. The majority of scouts working on this badge have not fulfilled this requirement.
Joe Gadway has talked to one of the Town’s Officials giving them a heads up that Boy Scouts from Troop 4 will be coming. Please wear your Class A dress. If the event gets out early enough we will join the rest of the Scouts at Myles.