The Klondike Derby is this coming weekend at the Town of Ohio Park. We will be leaving Sat around 7:30 to arrive at 8:30. We will be staying over Saturday night in the town rec center. The cost for food is $5/ person. You will need a air mattress or pad and sleeping bag. I have registered the 5 scouts who signed up at last Wednesday’s meeting. If you missed the meeting or have decided to participate, please let me know.
Author Archives: Ben-ASM
Summer Camp Dates
All We are currently scheduled to attend Camp Henderson during the 3rd week of camp July 16-22. This week of camp will be very crowded. We are considering moving to week 4 July 23-29. We need to make a decision on this ASAP. The individual $50 deposits for camp are due by Feb 15. Many of you have $$ from popcorn/candy sales which I will use as your deposit. Please respond to this email and let me know if July 23-29 is ok w/you.
Paul O.
Gold Nugget Derby
The District is holding it annual Gold Nugget Derby for Cub Scouts Saturday January 27th at Town of Paris Town Park, (next to the Sauquoit High School). They are looking for some Boy scouts to help with the events. Please let me know if you are available.
Leader’s Meeting this Wednesday
We will hold our final Leader’s Meeting for 2017 this Wednesday at 6PM, prior to the troop meeting. As always, parents are welcome to attend. We will be discussing upcoming events, reviewing our treasury/fund raising etc.
Sales Money Due!
Good evening! Hoping this finds everyone healthy and you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Please remember that tomorrow all money is due for popcorn and candy orders. I will be at the school and ready by 6:30pm. Thank you and have a great evening!
Popcorn pick-up info
Good evening. Please plan to pick up your popcorn and candy orders this Friday November 17th between 6:30 and 7:30 pm at Perry Junior High School Choir room 118. If you are unable to pick it up yourself, please make arrangements to have someone get it for you. Please be prompt as I will not be able to store any popcorn or candy. Thank you in advance!
Stacy Gadway
Scouting For Food Reminder
Cub Scouts from Pack 4 and Boy Scouts from Troop 4 will be meeting Saturday Nov 4 at 9 AM at the New Hartford American Legion to distribute bags. We have 10 routes mapped out, (170 and 190 homes each), which covers the area between Paris Rd., Genesee St., Seneca Turnpike & Clinton Rd. Cubs and Boy Scouts will be paired up with a driver. We need everyone to help with this community good turn, including parents to drive. This part of the food drive should take about an hour. We will meet again on Nov 11 to pick up the bags with food. Ben Obernesser will be in-charge of this event.
Boy Scouts: Following the bag distribution, we will be going to Camp Kingsley for our monthly overnight. We have two lean-tos reserved. This will be our annual ‘Turkey & fixins’ outing. The cost is $8 per person. Bring a bagged lunch for Saturday. Kris Sierson will be in-charge.
Sales Reminder
Reminder: today popcorn and candy orders are due. Please bring your orders to tonight’s scout meeting. Thank you!
University of Scouting
University of Scouting is Oct 28 at Utica College. This is an opportunity to get trained in specific leadership roles for both Cubs and Boy Scouts. Preregistration is required. Please visit the Council webpage at for more info.
This week’s meetings
All: We will hold a Committee and Leaders next Wednesday at 6PM at Myles, (prior to the Troop meeting). We will be discussing future events, rechartering fees and anything else. As always parents are invited and encouraged to participate.
Paul O.