Important information 10/26/18

1 There is no scout meeting on Oct 31

2 If you sold popcorn and/or candy your order forms were due this past Wednesday. If you did not turn in your forms, contact Stacy Gadway to make arrangements to do so ASAP.

3 Scouting for food bag distribution is Nov 3 at 9AM at the NH American Legion. Cub Pack 4 will help, we need at least 12 scouts and 6 adults.

4 Camping trip to Camp Kingsley will follow the bag distribution. Scouts going should contact Kris Sierson. Each scout is to bring their own food to cook individually.

5 Scouting for food bag pick up is Nov 10 at 9:30 at NH American Legion. We need all hands on deck for this as well as 12 adults to drive.

6 Lastly, FJ Wadnola has set up a Drug, Alcohol and Smoking program for our Troop Meeting on Nov 14. Paul Vitigliano from the Insight House will be there to speak on the dangers of substance abuse. This is a requirement for 2nd class. Parents are encouraged to attend with their scout.

Paul O

Canoe Trip Reminder

Reminder that the canoe trip and Bbq are fast approaching. On August 18 we plan to paddle from the park on Mill street in Rome to Lock 20 in Marcy on the canal. It is a distance of less than 10 miles. We plan on meeting in Rome at 8am and shoving off at 8:30. A safety briefing will be the first order of business that morning before departure. It should take about 4 hours to cover the distance to the lock. A BBQ lunch is planned for our arrival followed by a meeting to discuss our up and coming year. Please respond with a head count as well as if you are interested in moving vehicles from Rome to Marcy for the participating parties. Help is also needed in setting up for lunch.

Popcorn Show and Sell

As promised, I am diligently working on Show and Sell dates and locations for the upcoming popcorn sales. I have been in contact with a few venues and just need the scout power.

But before all that, you may be asking yourself what is a show and sell and how does it work?

A show and sell is where you take popcorn that the troop has already purchased and sell directly to the public. I have been arranging and coordinating them for many years (Sauquoit Pack 50 and New Hartford Troop 4) as well as my son, Cody, who has participated and earned his camping trips (this year going to 2 weeks at Henderson).

How does a show and sell work?

I contact potential venues to set up dates and times scouts can be there for show and sell. I am open to suggestions and ideas for potentials
or you can call and set up yourself, but please let me know so I can divide popcorn for that day equally.

Shifts are set up in 2 hour increments: 10-12, 12-2, 2-4

Scouts volunteer for available date and time slots by e-mailing me and I fill them in on a 1st come 1st serve basis.

Scouts use the buddy system so, there will be 2 scouts assigned to any given time slot.

I will return e-mail you with confirmation e-mail of your chosen spot and give you your location at that time.

For the scouts that sign up for the 1st time slot in any given day will make arrangements to pick up popcorn prior to date from myself at a time when
can ensure 2 deep leadership (if parent is picking up, that works for 2 deep).

Both will sign a log of how much popcorn and money they start with.

At change of shift, there will be another log of how much popcorn and money there is at change of shift/exchange of product for all to sign in agreement
and all product left and money will be left with next scouts.

The last shift will meet me at a predetermined time/date to return unsold popcorn, money, and signed logs. There will again be a log of that transaction

I will keep record of popcorn sold, donations given, and money which will be available to any scout upon asking (stored on my computer). Logs will be
kept in my safe until after popcorn sales are complete in December.

Money will be deposited into Troop 4’s account and I will email you with the amount of commission/donation earned for your records.

Helpful tips:

Scouts should wear their Class A uniform


Let people know why you are selling the popcorn

Always say, “Thank you,” even if they say no or they’re not interested, still thank them. You will be amazed at how many people come back just
because of your positive demeanor or how the person behind them views your actions.

No rough-housing or general messing around. Remember, you are there for a reason and whenever you wear that uniform you are representing

Always 2 deep leadership!!!!!

Now for the potential times:

Saturday August 18th

Sunday August 19th

Saturday August 25th

Sunday August 26th

Saturday September 1st

Saturday September 2nd

Monday September 3rd

All shifts available:




Please email me ASAP with your choice in dates/times. I will look at oldest email 1st when assigning scouts. Feel free to email more that 1 date/time and I will save your choices and apply after everyone has had an opportunity at their 1st choice. Or if there are enough scouts interested in a specific one, obtain additional venues. Please make every opportunity to contact me with your choice prior to August 3rd. Thank you!!!

Stacy Gadway
New Hartford Troop 4

Canoe Trip and Planning Meeting

Anyone interested in a one day canoe trip on August 18. Please contact Mr. Sierson. The plan is to start in Rome and paddle to lock 20 in Marcy on the Canal. The plan is to end the trip at lock 20 with a barbecue lunch and I believe a planning meeting for the up coming year. I will need help from people in shuttling vehicles as well as setting up and organizing lunch at lock 20. Please contact me as soon as possible so we can work on organizing this event.

Note from Mr. Obernesser:

I would propose that we meet at 8 AM at the pavilion on Mill St. We can do our safety checks and be in the water by 8:30. It is approximately 10 miles to Lock 20 in Marcy. This should take 3 to 4 hours depending on how we do paddling. Let’s figure on lunch at 12:30 and our annual planning meeting from 1 – 2 PM. If you need a canoe or kayak, some of us have extras. If we need more boats, we can rent them at Camp Kingsley. We will need a good head count for both food and boat rental by August 15. This event is open to all Troop 4 scouts and their families. The troop treasury will pick up the cost of this event.

Reminders Week of 5/29/18

We will be holding a leader’s meeting this Weds. prior to the scout meeting. Nick Fostini will be presenting his Eagle Project proposal. We need to firm up summer camp, end if the year picnic and any other business. As always, parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

There are just two troop meetings left until the Family Picnic and Court of Honor. If you are close to finishing advancements please see Joanne Mozloom for a Board of Review.

Also as a reminder, those planning to go to summer camp July 22-29 at Camp Henderson need to have a current BSA Medical sign by your doctor.