Service Project this Saturday at NH Sherrillbrook Town Park

This is a reminder that we will be assisting the Town winter fest at Sherrillbrook Town Park (Route 12 south) this Saturday from 11 to 3. They have asked us to keep a campfire going and roast marshmallows for the kids. We will be selling bottled water as a fund raiser toward summer camp. This is a great opportunity for us to show that scouting is alive and well in NH. Anyone who can help out for a coule of hours is encouraged to participate.

Paul O.

Klondike Derby Reminder

The District Klondike Derby is this weekend Feb 16-17 at the Town of Ohio Town Park. We will be driving up Saturday morning and staying overnight in the heated building on site. The cost is $5 for food, Sat. dinner and Sun. breakfast. You will need warm clothes for Sat., boots, hat, gloves, sleeping bag with ground pad, scout book and shoes for inside Sat night. We need to know if you are attending at the beginning of the meeting tomorrow.

Court of Honor – Parents Night

We will be having a Court of Honor and Parents night next Wednesday at 7 PM at Myles School. Besides the Merit badges and Rank Advancement, we will be inducting a new scout and kicking off our annual Friends of Scouting campaign. We would like to have at least one parent from each family attend.

Several Important Announcements

Next week Dec 5 and the following week Dec 12 we will be meeting at Perry Jr. High on Weston Road rather than at Myles. Dec. 5th the candy orders will be available for pick up at the troop meeting. If you sold candy, you must pick your orders up during our troop meeting Dec 5th. Candy order money is due on 12/12/18.

Dec 15 is the Northern Lights winter survival training indoor session at the Scout Office starting at 9AM. You must attend this indoor session ( or have attended an indoor session last year) to take part in the outdoor session Jan 11-13 at Camp Kingsley. You must be at least 1St Class in rank to attend Northern Lights.

Dec 15 Flag Color guard for the DAR at the Old Burial Grounds on Norton Ave Clinton, (across from the Clinton Arena). This should take < 1/2 hour. Full Uniform. Several scouts signed up last night. Jan 11-13 Northern lights outdoor session at Camp Kingsley. Sign up on line at the Council Website: Blizzard Camp is Martin Luther King weekend Jan 18-21 at Camp Kingsley. This is similar to a summer camp except it is in the winter. There are MB opportunities, fun winter sports, dining hall cooking and sleeping in heated cabins. The cost is a bargain @$125 due by Dec 14. Register on line. Don’t wait as this weekend will fill up quickly!

Important information

Saturday is the bag pick up for Scouting for Food. We at meeting at 9:30 at the NH American Legion. We need everyone to help including at least 10 drivers. Pizza to follow.

Wednesday, we have a guest speaker at our troop meeting. Paul Vatigliano from the Insight House will be giving a presentation on The ills of smoking, drinking and drugs. All family members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Friday is Popcorn pickup from 4 to 5 PM at Parry Jr High on Westin Rd. NH. Please do your best to be there during that 1 hour period.

Paul O.

2019 Blizzard Camp

All Blizzard camp is being held during MLK weekend Jan 18-21, 2019 at Camp Kingsley. The cost is $125 for scouts and $65 for leaders. There is a maximum number of bunks so sign up ASAP! The full payment is due by Dec 14, after which a $20 late fee will be assessed. I encourage you to go to the Council webpage to get more info.

2019 Blizzard Camp

All Blizzard camp is being held during MLK weekend Jan 18-21, 2019 at Camp Kingsley. The cost is $125 for scouts and $65 for leaders. There is a maximum number of bunks so sign up ASAP! The full payment is due by Dec 14, after which a $20 late fee will be assessed. I encourage you to go to the Council webpage to get more info.