Our Meeting for tonight has been cancelled.
For those attending the Klondike Derby this Saturday, please arirve at camp by 8:30AM and carpool as parking is very limited due to snow.
Our Meeting for tonight has been cancelled.
For those attending the Klondike Derby this Saturday, please arirve at camp by 8:30AM and carpool as parking is very limited due to snow.
The Annual Klondike Derby is Feb 1 at Camp Kingsley. We can go up Fri and stay overnight, or arrive early Saturday and stay overnight, or Stay both nights. I need to register the Troop for this event by Friday Jan 24 AM. Therefore, I need to have a roster. Please respond to this email if you are going to attend and your preferences for overnight stay. I will need $10/ person next Wednesday to hold your reservation. This will cover the cost of food.
We will be going to Camp Kingsley this weekend for an overnight, (Sat night only). The cost for the overnight is $10/person for food. We will be having turkey and fixins’ for dinner Saturday. Anyone else who would like to come up for Saturday and have dinner, the cost is $7. Please have $$ in cash at the beginning of the meeting on Wednesday. We will review what each Scout needs to bring for the overnight on Wednesday.
Paul O
Our meeting this week will be at the New Hartford American Legion, ( across from Twin Orchards) 7-8:30. I need to know if you are going on the Hike 0 Ree on Dec 8 and if you are going to Camp Kingsley on Dec 14-15.
See you at the Legion on Weds.
Paul O.
We have reserved Smith Bldg at Camp Kingsley for Dec 13-15 for an overnight. All of our younger Scouts need camping time and outdoor advancement requirements.
There is no meeting this week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
We can not meet at Myles on Dec 4 due to a conflict with a school activity. We will have some form of a meeting. More to come soon.
We will be supporting the NH American Legion, our sponsoring organization next Monday, Veteran’s Day, by attending the service at 3PM at the NH Veteran’s Memorial across from Utica National. Be there by 2:45 so that we can organized.
Troop 4 will be working with Feed Our Vets to gather donations of non-perishable food items. The Troop will be outside Chanatry’s in Utica on November 1st from 4PM-7PM & November 2nd from 8AM-11AM. All donations stay in our local community.
The International Brother Jamboree is Oct 18-20 at Wellsley Island State Park on the St Lawrence River. We need to have a good head count by this Wednesday so that we can plan food , equipment, and transportation. The Troop has paid for the registration fee. The cost for food will be approximately $15/ PERSON. Please know if you are going at the start of the meeting.
The Council’s Gaming weekend will be our outdoor weekend for November. The troop will cover $20 toward the cost and each participant will be required to cover the other $20 for food. I need to know who will be attending very soon. Your $20 food will acknowledge your plan to participant.
We will be holding a Court of Honor this Wednesday 7 PM at Myles. We have lots of MBs which were earned at summer camp and plan to induct a new Scout. At least one parent should attend and of course the entire family is welcome. We will have refreshments.