After a week of school break, we are back to having our Weds Troop mtg. John Devlin and I will be meeting with the Legion at 7 PM to present them their Unit Charter and picking up a check to support our year round program. We should be back to the school by 7:45. Before leaving your son at 7, make sure that there are at least two adults at the meeting.
I will collect Boston Trip fees. The cost of the weekend is $75 for scouts and leaders. I need a final head count!
I will also be collecting the Camp Card $$. Hopefully you have sold all of them.
Lastly I need to hear from a few of you if you are attending summer camp July 7-14 at Camp Russell. Summer camp is highly recommended. It is a lot of fun and learning in the out of doors. I have a couple of camp brochures and will be happy to explain/discuss what to expect.