About Us

New Hartford Troop 4 was established in 1967.  The Troop is sponsored by American Legion Post 1376 in New Hartford and is one of the largest and most active troops in the area.  Activities include: troop meetings, campouts, swim nights, biathlons, service projects, an annual spring trip and week long summer camp experience.
The goal is to give every scout an opportunity to do his best and grow at their own pace.   The troop program using the Scout Oath and Law, allows scouts to become self sufficient and learn how to make ethical decisions. Each scout is encouraged to take on leadership positions with increased responsibility. By doing so, they will become the leaders of tomorrow.
Troop 4 has taken part in a number of volunteer service projects including Scouting for Food, serving for the Club New Hartford Rotary Annual Pancake Breakfast, and handing out water at the at the finish line of the Boilermaker walk, placing flags at Veterans graves on Memorial Day.
Every summer Troop 4 goes to summer camp for a week.  In recent years the troop has gone to Massawepee Scout Reservation near Tupper Lake, New York.  Every fall Troop 4 attends The International Brotherhood Camporee.  Other annual campouts include the District Fall and Spring Camporee, the Klondike Derby, and the Parent-Scout Camp Weekend.  Troop 4 scouts have participated in GAWASA and Junior Leadership Training.
The annual “spring trip” is a fun and educational trip to places in driving distance.  Recent “Spring Trip” destinations include Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Scranton PA, Lake Placid, Toronto, Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, Ottawa, Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia PA, Baltimore, and New York City.  We visited historical place like Gettysburg, Liberty Hall, the USS Intrepid, The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Annapolis Naval Academy, The Coast Guard Academy, the submarine Base at Groton, Connecticut and The USS Slater in Albany.
Mr. Paul Obernesser has been the Scoutmaster since 1979 and is a charter member.  There are over 20 adult leaders and committee members who assist and support the program.
To date, 78 young men have reached the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 4.

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