In the near future you will be receiving popcorn sales info in the mail. You may begin to sell popcorn when you get your sales form. Donna Blenis and Michele Smith are your contacts for this fund raiser. If you have any questions contact either of them. We will also have Gertrude Hawk Candy forms at our first meeting. This is our primary fund raiser for the year. Each Scout is required to earn $100 for the Troop Treasury (that is about $300 in sales). From the Treasury the Troop pays all registration fees for events, the troop charter, insurance, awards, camping equipment etc. Earnings above the $100 will be applied to 2015 Summer Camp.
As a reminder our first leader’s mtg. is Aug 27 at 6 PM at my house. It is a ‘bring a dish’ to pass BBQ. We will be developing our annual calendar. If you plan on attending please let me know so I can have enough meat and rolls. So far I have only heard from 8 people.