We will have a brief committee mtg prior to the troop meeting on Weds to discuss the spring trip, summer camp and other upcoming events. As always parents are welcome to attend.
We will be doing our ’Scouting in the Community’ community service project this Saturday. This project involves spring clean up at the New Hartford American Legion and at the New Hartford Veteran Park opposite Utica National. We will be meeting at the Legion at 9AM. All scouts are expected to participate with the exception of those attending NYLT.
Following the cleanup we will be going to Camp Russell for an overnight. This may be the last opportunity this spring for new scouts to ‘sleep in a tent which you have helped to pitch’ for your Tenderfoot requirements. If you are planning to attend the overnight please bring $5 cash per person for food. We will need drivers to and from both events. Parents are welcome to campout Saturday night.
Lastly, we need a final head count for both Summer Camp and the Spring Trip. If you haven’t spoken to me about these events please do so Weds.