- Our next committee meeting will be Sept 26 at 6 PM at Myles, (just prior to the Troop Mtg). All leaders and committee members should attend. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to join us.
- The World Brotherhood Camporee is Sept 28-30 at Wellsley Island State Park. We will be leaving Friday after school and return early Sunday afternoon. The cost of food is $10 in cash payable at the beginning of the scout meeting this Wednesday. There will be over 2000 scouts and scouters in attendance from the NE USA and Canada.
- Wednesday Sep 26 will also be a Board of Review for scouts who are ready for rank advancement. This will be the last chance to turn in your work toward MBs for the Court of Honor
- Wednesday Oct 3 will be our Court of Honor /Parents night. All parents should be in attendance.
- The Council Camporee will be held at Camp Kingsley on Oct 12-14. This will be a great opportunity to work on advancement and participate in unique activities.