Popcorn Announcment

I wanted to touch base early as the Scoutwire has told us that the dates for selling/delivering Popcorn have changed.  They have all been moved up by several weeks.
I have a Kickoff meeting on August 15.  I hope to have additional forms, etc. for any of you who do not get them in the mail.  If you do not receive them, please let me know so we can make arrangements to get them to you.

Popcorn Take Order Start Date is now August 15.
Orders are due back to me by October 24.
Popcorn will be picked up on November 20 (Tuesday), and will need to be picked up at the school that evening.
Money will be due to me on November 28.

As in past years, each Scout is responsible for earning $80 for  the Troop Treasury.  This is approximately $275 in sales of Popcorn.  Any sales over that – the Scout receives 30% toward Camp, (and if enough is earned the Spring Trip)  Summer camp price has not been set yet but it will be at least $300. The spring trip is usually about $100.

 If the Scout does not sell the minimum of $275, the parents will be responsible for the difference to the troop.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Donna Blenis
Popcorn Kernel



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