All popcorn Take Order sheets art due in this Wednesday. Please give them to Ben or Chris.
I need to know who is planning on going to the Gaming Weekend at Kingsley on Nov 8-10. The cost is $40, the troop will pay $20 for the activity fee. Each attendee will need to pay $20 for food. We need this Wednesday so that I can register everyone.
Nov 1 and 2 is our annual Scouting for Food dates. We will be collecting food for Feed Our Vets at Chanatry’s on French Rd from 4-8 on Friday the 1st and 8 -11 on Saturday Nov 2nd. With only 10 Scouts, this is a mandatory service project for everyone. We will set the schedule on Oct 30.
Nov 11th us Veteran’s Day. We will support our Charter Organization, the NH American Legion Post 1376 during their ceremonies at the NH Veteran’s Park across from Utica National scheduled for 1 PM..