All: We had a leader’s meeting last night and have several items things coming up:
- We are changing our meeting time to 7:00 – 8:30. We have several scouts involved in sports. This move will make it easier to get to meetings. ( Historically this was our normal meeting time.)
- Our first meeting will be next Wednesday. We will meet at the pavilion at St Thomas church. ( We are waiting to receive our school building permit.) We will be starting Citizenship in Society MB.
- Sept 11 1-3 PM Service project at the NH American Legion painting their gazebo. Wear work clothes!
- The Sept 14 meeting will be at Myles School starting at 6 PM. This will be our Cub and Scout, BSA sign up night. We need scouts there a little before 6 to set up games, etc.
- Sept 21 Board of Review. Advancement Committee will review scouts achievements for the Court of Honor. 7:00- 8:30 at Myles
- Sept 23 – 25 Adventure Camp at Camp Kingsley. This is an opportunity to work on several Eagle Scout required MBs. The cost is $90 / scout and $33 / adult. Sign up is thru the Leatherstocking Council. The deadline to sign up is Sept 16th. This is an individual sign up. I am not sure if any troop adults are attending. Sleeping will be in lean-tos, cabins or in your own tent. Food will be provided in the dining hall.
- Sept 28 Court of Honor, (awards night).
- Oct 1 The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary is holding a dinner to support medical aid in the Ukraine. They asked for scouts to assist with clearing tables. This will count toward service hours.
- Oct 14-16 World Brotherhood Jamboree at Wellesley Island. This will be our October camping trip. I will need a head count ASAP register for this event.
- Nov 4 &5 Scouting for Food to support our local Feed Our Vets. Fri 4-8 PM and Sat 8- 12 AM at Chanatry’s on French Road.
- Nov 11 Veteran’s Day Memorial at NH across from Utica National 3 PM.
- Nov 11-13 Gaming Weekend at Camp Kingsley. This is a fun weekend where various indoor and outdoor games are played. We will be tenting. Food will be provided at the Dining Hall. The cost is $33 of which the Troop will pay $18/ scout.
- Jan 14-16 Blizzard Camp at Camp Kingsley A summer camp type program with a winter twist. A lot of outdoor activities/MBs, sleeping in heated cabins and eating in the Dining Hall. Sign up begins OCT through the Scout Office. ( This fills up quickly so don’t hesitate or you will miss out.
- July 16-22 Summer Camp at Massawepee. Cost $495 if paid in full by March 15th. A $100 deposit will be needed by Jan 15 so that we can get an estimate of numbers attending.
- You should have received at Camp Masters Popcorn ‘Take Order’ sheet in the mail. If not, I will have extra ones at the Troop meeting.
- Nancy Simon is coordinating ‘Show-n-Sell’ popcorn sales at various locations. She will have a signup sheet available on Sept 7th. Sales at each location will be credited to scouts based on the sales and the time each scout works.
- As a reminder, each scout is responsible for earning $150 for the Troop treasury. Scouts earn approximately 33% of their sales from the ‘Show-n-Sell’ and ‘Take Order’ sales. Scouts earn 30% for their on-line sales.
- Any $$ raised above the $150 amount will be kept in the unit account and can be applied to Blizzard Camp and/or Summer Camp.
- I hope to have the on line sales set up for each scout this week.
- We have applied to get a card reader and software so that we can accept credit/debit cards at the ‘Show-n-Sell’ locations.
- Please have Scouts collect the money from people when the order. This money will be collected when the order forms are collected in late October. Check made out to Troop 4 BSA will be accepted.
There is a lot of info here. I you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Our website is up to date
Paul O.