Events This Week

We will hold a Court of Honor, (awards) and parent’s night this Wednesday starting at our regular TIME 6:30.  Almost everyone will be receiving a merit badge or rank advancement.  We will be discussing the Spring Trip May 21 to Buffalo and Summer Camp July 17-23.  We also need to discuss the family picnic and/or other activity for June.

We plan on doing an overnight campout to Henderson Scout Reservation, near Cooperstown this Sat-Sun, April 30-May 1.  We will be tenting and have a 5- mile hike scheduled.  Both the camping and hike are requirements for several scout Tenderfoot and Second Class advancements.  The cost is $10/person CASH MONEY  for food which will include lunch, dinner, and breakfast.  We will leave Sat at about 8 AM and arrive at Henderson about 9:15.  We will set up tents make a bag lunch and depart on our hike. Dinner will be spaghetti w/ meatballs and salad. 

Any questions contact me

Paul O.

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