September Meetings

Hope everyone is doing well.  Due to the virus it is unlikely that we will be allowed to use Myles School this fall.  With this in mind, we have gotten permission to use facilities at St Thomas Church to start the season.  I would like to have a planning meeting with scouts and parents on Sept 2 at 6:00 PM to kick things off.  We will be meeting outside at the pavilion.  You must wear a mask and practice safe social distancing. We will have hand sanitizer available.   My initial idea is to have meetings outside from 6 to 7:30 to take advantage of the sunlight for the first month or so. 

By this time, you should have received the Popcorn Order forms.  The cost of everything is going up including annual registration to the BSA.  We will need to have each Scout earn $150 for the troop treasury.  This means you would need to sell about $415 to fulfill your responsibility.  Any sales profit beyond the $150 will be held in your name in the troop treasury for summer camp 2021.

Paul O.

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