We have several May Events which you should make note of:
May 2- Summer camp fees are due.
May 4-6 Spring Trip
May 8 – We committed to help serve the dinner at NH American Legion 4-7 PM, we will need at least 4 to 5 scouts in 1- hour shifts.
May 12 NH Rotary Pancake Day 7 -12 AM, we will need 6 to 8 scouts in 2- hour shifts. You were given Pancake Tickets to sell. Money can be brought in this week or next.
May 16- The Troop meeting will be at St. Thomas Church do to a school concert.
May 18-20 Council STEM Camporee at Griffiss. You won’t want to miss this one! You need to preregister ASAP
May 23- Place Flags on Veteran’s graves at Greenlawn Cemetery 6 PM (Prior to the Troop meeting).
May 28- American Legion Veteran’s Day ceremony at the NH Veteran’s Park 3 PM.
Reminder to check the online calendar for any changes.