Troop 4 50th Anniversary Dinner

Registration Link Here

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Troop 4 New Hartford, NY.   Current troop leaders are preparing a 50th Year Anniversary gathering.   You are cordially invited to attend this gathering on April 1 from 1 PM  to 5 PM at the New Hartford American Legion Post 1376 located at 8616 Clinton St.  The event will include a one hour meet and greet, buffet dinner and Court of Honor.

We ask that you preregister by March 24th by returning the lower portion of this letter to Paul Obernesser at 5027 Albrecht Rd Rome, NY 13440 or online at:

The cost of the event is $25/ person, (children under 10 Free), with proceeds going to the Troop 4 Scholarship Fund.   Register and prepaid by March 15 and you will receive a commemorative Troop 4 shirt.  Additional shirts will be available at the event for $15 each.

Follow us online at or on Facebook at

Hope to see you on April 1st      If you have any questions you can direct them to

Paul Obernesser, Scoutmaster

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