- Troop meetings will start on September 9 from 7 to 8:30 at Myles. You should have your uniform, handbook, paper and pencil each week. Dues will continue to be $1 per month payable to the Troop scribe.
- You should have received a Popcorn Sales packet in the mail from the scout office. If you did not please contact Stacy Gadway rnnightengale@rocketmail.com or Michelle Smith Michelle13413@yahoo.com. Each scout is required to earn $100 for the Troop Treasury. Earnings beyond the $100 will be set aside for summer camp 2016. We also have Gertrude Hawk candy order forms available, Stacy Gadway has these forms. They will be available at the September 9th meeting. Both Popcorn and Candy order are due in at the troop meeting on Oct 14.
- American Martial Arts in New Hartford has asked us to serve hot dogs at their grand opening Saturday Sept 12 from 11AM to 2 PM. Money raised will go toward summer camp for those who help out. Peter Mozloom pmozloom@hotmail.com is coordinating this event.
- The International World Brotherhood Jamboree is Sept 25-27 in Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada. You must have a current photo ID or Passport and sign parental permission slip to enter Canada.
- Merit Badge Blitz will be held on October 3 at the Remington Educational Center in Ilion. Check the Council website Scoutingcny.org for the details. You must preregister for this event including the MB you want to work on.
- The Council Fall Camporee will be held on Oct 16 to 18 at Ft. Stanwix in Rome. You will be able to earn the BSA Historic Trails Award, National Parks Junior Ranger and work on related MBs. The most current info is on the Council Webpage.
- Oct 24 will be the annual NH Rotary Pancake Day at the Presbyterian Church on the Green in NH. This is a troop service project which helps the Rotary. As in the past we will be assisting with ticket sales. Scouts will serve and bus tables
- Oct 31 is the University of Scouting at Utica College. This is a training opportunity for both boy and adult leaders. The schedule of training is currently under development. Check the Council webpage for more info.