Our 1st troop meeting will be Wed Sep-11 at 700pm at Myles School. Please visit our website at BSATroop4.org to see our calendar of events. September highlights include:
- Sep-18 Open House: Bring friends to see what Scouting is all about. This is the kickoff to our fall recruiting.
- Sep-25 Troop meeting to organize for the World Brotherhood Camp-o-ree in Ontario, Canada.
- Sep-27to29: World Brotherhood Camp-o-ree near Morrisburg Ontario, Canada. Youth must have a valid photo ID or Passport. Adults must have an enhanced driver’s license or Passport. Please note that photo ID’s are available from NYS DMV. There is a fee and they take 2 to 3 weeks to process. We will also need a permission letter signed by a parent/ guardian to go across the border.
Finally you should have received a Popcorn Sales kit in the mail about a week ago. If you did not please contact Donna Blenis (donna.blenis@gmail.com). You will also be getting a candy flyer from Gertrude Hawk on the 11th. Each scout is required to earn $100 for the troop treasury. This means you need to sell a minimum of $300 of product. This money pays for all of our activities/fees, reregistration, awards, insurance and camping equipment. Any profit from sales above the $100 mark will be put aside toward summer camp 2014 fees. If there are any questions see me or any Committee member at the Sep-11 troop meeting.